The Wiki Guide To The 25 Evidence Areas
A rough physical equivalent of our document library
An Overview
1. Index Of The 25 Areas
The 25 evidence areas are all listed in the right column here. Simply click to go straight to any of them.
2. Supporting Documents
The main site of the Meredith-case WIKI can be found here. It consists entirely of original Italian documents and objective Italian reporting. Translations of (so far) about 1/5 of all documents were almost all done by a large team with professional translation skills.
3. Caution On Other Sources
Numerous translations have been lifted from TJMK and the Wiki, and then “mistranslated” to favor Knox and Sollecito.
4. Fundamental Evidence Context
1. Main evidence collection went on from November 2008 through June 2008, a total of 8 months. Sometimes a dozen or more documents a day were being added.
2. The Wiki chronological dimension displays this in the raw. Reports from numerous hearings from the court in Perugia and Supreme Court in Rome demonstrate the increasing precision of detail and depth of interpretation. The Micheli hearings of late 2008 finally hammer home the full force of this.
3. There was only ever ONE trial, in 2009. So all of these evidence points have only ever presented in court ONCE by the prosecution. The result was a unanimous jury.
4. The evidence was presented extremely competently at trial, primarily by two prosecutors, Dr Comodi and Dr Mignini, with numerous witnesses and experts.
5. About 1/4 of the prosecution phase was behind closed doors, at Kercher-family request. This was among the most damning evidence. The wound pattern and attack reconstruction for example proved the complete impossibility of a single attacker.
6. The provably bent 2011 Hellman appeal by RS and AK heard zero prosecution presentations. It somehow ruled that the evidence was insufficient, and so its outcome was annulled by the Supreme Court.
7. The 2013 Nencini repeat-appeal - not a retrial, a repeat-appeal - by RS and AK heard only a day-long SUMMARY by Prosecutor Crini, with zero witnesses or exhibits. The 2009 trial prosecutors were not there.
8. The RS and AK appeal failed, in a second unanimous verdict. The defenses had little comeback. Though RS and AK remained free pending final appeal, their 2009 trial sentences were re-affirmed.
9. The routine 2014 final Supreme Court review (bizarrely, by the Fifth Chambers) heard only a prosecution summary, in only a couple of hours. Once again, the 2009 trial prosecutors were not there.
10. That court also somehow ruled that there was insufficient evidence, a ruling it is not allowed to make under Italian law: disputed evidence issues must be referred back down to the appeal court - in this case, in Florence.
5. The Bottom Line
These evidence points still stand unchallenged, and none were ever thrown out, by any court.
Remember, a SINGLE unshakeable evidence point can be enough to convict. In this case, there are hundreds.
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Thanks for this new guide above. Superb work on the lists by the team over at the Wiki. So enormously helpful.
Many of these points were being discussed on the two PMFs and our main page and so Comments here have been closed for the most part.
However prior to their closing (back in 2015) this evidence point sparked some to ask for elaboration.
25-07 Ms. Kercher made normal young adult concessions.
The thread is live down the bottom of the page at this address.
In summary, personalities and their conflicts do come up in jury rooms, and certainly did in the jury room in this case.
So did drug use, and Grahame Rhodes posted this insightful comment in explaining Knox.
Interesting point concerning people who are either high on alcohol or high on drugs.
I have had the experience of knowing people who were high all the time.
Of course we didn’t know they were high.
The point being that this was the image we saw from the beginning of our interaction with them.
Therefore we thought this was who they really were. It was only later, if at all, when they sobered up that the true personality came through to show them as being totally different.
The point here is. It’s not at all impossible that Knox was as high as a kite all the time she was in Perugia.
This would explain a lot of her psychotic negative behavior, such as strumming one chord on the guitar time after time.
It would explain the fact that she didn’t wash herself but smelled dirty. It would explain her predilection for sex with anyone in pants.
These are the hallmarks of heavy drug users and would explain why she was a different person while in Capanne.
From time to time I have read the idiotic stuff coming out of GroundReport to the extent that no drugs were found on Knox when she was arrested.
Obviously these people have never heard of designer drugs and/or pills and or anything to get you high.
Knox’s entire behavior is indicative of the identity of the heavy drug user, including a low self esteem, and inner hate for anyone she perceived as a threat.
This is masked by self pity, and the frantic need for more drugs, so that the true inner hated identity can be denied by the drug addict.
Knox slowly coming back down over the next few days at the police station has every indication of an addict starting to sober up.
Where next:
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