Sunday, June 29, 2014
Sneak Preview Of Giulia Bongiorno Making Silk Purse Out Of Sow’s Ear At RS Media Nonevent This Week
Posted by Peter Quennell
What is the Sollecito lawyer and politician Giulia Bongiorno most famous in Italy for?
Well it sure aint her grasp of the finer points of Italian law. Or her ability to win in court without over-the-top PR and peculiar tricks. Or her accuracy on those pesky facts of the case. Or her foolish tongue before a very key judge.
Most of all, what Bongiorno IS known in Italy for is being shrill, bullying, and high-key - most especially when yet another of her hapless clients is going down, or when she is on the political stump.
Watch this spot-on satirical impersonation by the terrific Italian impersonator Dario Ballantini which was aired nationally on Italian TV and made a lot of Italians laugh. You can hear the audience there.
It doesnt need a grasp of the Italian language to amuse long-suffering Bongiorno skeptics seeing her taken down a peg. Meredith, the name of the victim here: does Bongiorno even know that? If the victim’s suffering family was Italian and regularly on Italian TV would Italy tolerate her callous, cruel act?
Here is an Italian woman one really can admire.
Thanks Peter..going to retweet now.
Ha!ha!ha! need comic relief, Bongiorno is a hoot.
AK, RS, Maori, Curt and Edda all look bizarrely relaxed and confident at the Hellman appeal in the bottom video. Not a hint of trepidation or anxiety.
Did they know something that we didn’t, were they tipped the wink - “don’t worry, it’s all sorted”?
Hi Odysseus
They made it overwhelmingly obvious that they DID know the Hellmann outcome was precooked - with the aid of Hampikian, who they flew there to illegally interact with Conti & Vecchiotti.
Jessica Rabbit herself knew. She repeatedly told her cellmates that she already knew she would be sprung at the end of the appeal.
And the prosecution also all knew. Manuela Comodi even quite publicly said so.
The problem was the new appointment of Dr Galati as the prosecutor general for Umbria (a post Dr Mignini is expected soon to fill).
Dr Galati signed a hard appeal in 2010 to Cassation and appeared in court, and we thought he would be the one to ensure no shenanigans and make sure Hellmann confirmed Massei’s guilty verdict.
But instead Dr Galati kept his head down and did not want to go up against the chief judge De Nunzio (who he knew had yanked Judge Chiari in favor of the ill-qualified Judge Hellmann) as his first act in Perugia.
Dr Galati argued to the prosecutors that there are always three acts in Italian criminal processes and hijacking the second act is fruitless. He was right: Cassation slammed it down.
And here we are. Where we could have been four years ago if Bongiorno had not leaned on Di Nunzio.
Raffaele Sollecito is not going to claim he took part in the clean-up or the staging of the crime scene tomorrow. Yummi tweeted the following a short time ago:
Luca Maori, Sollecito’s Perugian attorney, says “he was home alone that night”
Blimey - and the FOA have got the chutzpah to accuse the prosecution of corruption!
What happened to the very interesting second video, with Bongiorno “rabbiting on” (sorry) about Jessica Rabbit!?
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Apart From Cassation’s Unyielding Mandate, More Problems With The Belated Sollecito/Bongiorno U-Turn
Or to previous entry Sollecito Suddenly Remembers He Wasnt There But Cannot Speak For Knox Who (As She Said) Went Out