Saturday, January 01, 2011
Report #6 On Perugia: A Walk Along The South (Street) Side Of Meredith’s House
Posted by SomeAlibi
Thank you again, Some Alibi, for all the videos, and the commentary. It has been so informative, and has really brought home, how unlikely the break-in was, how the threesome had to have seen each other, many, many times. And, we know Amanda and Rudy spoke on many occasions. Perugia is a beautiful place, and this last vid of walking around the cottage, there was a lovely lemon tree. Pluck.
Yes, Some Alibi, thank you for your videos and your physical efforts to document the cottage and vicinity. It’s no small thing that you are able and willing to do this.
I’ve been wanting to say Thank You and Happy New Year to everyone on this website and on PMF where I lurk, to Peter Quennell especially, and to Michael and The Machine and Skep and Nikki and H9 and Catnip and mimi and cape and Patou and aethelred23 and LReik and “sunflower Piktor”, to all you wonderful posters who bring joy and clarity to these sites.
Those whose names I did not mention, thank you for your posts. Thank you in equal measure.
The smart and various voices on TJMK and PMF do a tremendous service. You share your clear thinking and reasoning with the world. The benefits may be more far reaching than you know. Certainly your posts cheer and calm my days. Multiply that by thousands. These sites are bracing.
The sacrifices that were made by the translators of the Massei Report, and the sacrifices of the technical support people are awe inspiring.
The videos, photos and art have been a lighthouse of reason and decency in a storm of confusion. Thanks to all of you for the safety of well-balanced personalities and great minds.
I would like to add my thanks to Hopeful’s. And thank you Hopeful too. The standard of the commentary here is formidable.
Where next:
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Or to previous entry Report #5 On Perugia: The Walk From The Basketball Court Through The Intersection To The House