Solving The Puzzle Of Where The Perugia Central Police Station Is Actually Located
The questura is not located in Perugia’s traditional center, that is for sure.
In fact, it is located in an outlying semi-industrial area to Perugia’s north-west away from the rest of officialdom - unusual, but very smartly located for speed and ease of access. The central railway station is two minutes away to the south, and there are fast routes up to the massif and through the tunnel to Perugia’s eastern side.
Also, fast routes to the autostrada, and to the southern part of the town. And as you can see in the last image below, the terminal of the monorail is about 100 yards away. If one catches one of the automated cars as it heads out, one can be at the top of the massif in five minutes or less.
A number of visitors wanting to get their paperwork straight are appearing online to ask for help in figuring out where the questura is.
The first address one comes across online (Via del Tabacchificio 21) has been phased out, perhaps because “Tobacco Street” doesnt quite create the right vibes. And the new address (Via Cortonese 157) is still being phased in.
While most maps and GPS systems dont show Via del Tabacchificio any longer, at the same time they dont yet show Via Cortonese 157. Via Cortonese is a very long street and it has several other police presences located on it.
Images here (courtesy of Google Earth’s Street View) are sequenced from facing west to facing east. If you want to take a virtual sightseeing tour of the area, the GPS coordinates are 43°06’29.99” N 12°21’57.44” E.
The first Google Earth image below (click for a larger image) shows the questura exactly at center at left, beyond the railway lines, and Meredith’s house exactly at center at right, at the north end of the massif. Each has a blue ring around it.
Their distance apart is about 3 kilometers or 2 miles.
Below: an older Google Earth satellite view. The divided highway to the questura’s left is now complete.
Below: one view of the questura from the east; most of Perugia is behind the camera
Below: two images of the questura from the south; the main gate is at center ahead
Below: two images from the west; most of Perugia is off at right and station at far right
Shot above looks east toward Meredith’s place with monorail terminal (below) behind camera.
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That’s not a Roman ampitheater to the left of the questura where perverse suspects are fed to the lions.
It’s the parking area for the monorail and there is usually a modern funfair in that open area to the north.
Glad to have straightened that out.
Some more points of interest on the questura’s location and the satellite-view images near the top here.
If you do check this out on Google Earth you’ll see that over half of Perugia is to the left or lower down and off to the southwest and southwest. The area around the questura is zoned for development and is filling up slowly with new buildings.
If you cruise the Perugia streets in Google Street View you’ll see that most residents life in multi-floor apartment blocks. There are dozens in the low, flat areas and on the west and southern slopes of the massif.
Two valleys extend out to the west from the massif and you can see them clearly in the second image; they are tree-lined. Each has a relatively fast highway up through it. The top one in the image arrives right behind the School for Foreigners and main university, and the bottom one heads for the tunnel
Trains arriving from Rome, as Meredith’s did, circle around that half-loop at top near the questura and head down (facing south) to the main station. That is possibly as close to the questura as Meredith ever got though as a long-term foreign resident she may have gone there to register.
There is a second Perugia station just below the Place D’Italie at the south end of the massif. You can look down on it. Not so much used except on big-game days as it is very close to the stadium.
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