Fine Italian Tune On A Fine Italian Accordion, But Played By…
Actually Marion LMJM is French.
She is playing Csárdás by Vittorio Monti. The crescendo - wait for it! - begins right after 2’00”.
Marion plays other instruments too, and has a pretty okay singing voice. She sings a lot in self-taught Russian and most comments under her YouTubes are Russian, though she has not been there yet.
You can read her unusual backstory here.
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That’s a chromatic button accordion by the way, not one with piano-type keys. The number of buttons on that thing is utterly bananas, more than any other I can see in Google Images.
Playing instruments of this complexity without even watching what one is doing? Perhaps in the next Olympics?! Here’s a description of how a chromatic button accordion works.
There’s a similar accordion here. Along with the harpist (and is there more of an orchestra in there?) he’s playing Vivaldi’s notoriosly difficult “Storm”. Filmed in the Ukraine.
And an Italian quartet here - “accordion” is “fisarmonica” in Italian and you wont venture out far at night without hearing one.
And a Japanese quartet, for some really complex stuff….
The Lithuanian player Martynas Levickis seems to be the #1 orchestral player in the world. Interview and some spectacular playing here.
Perhaps the most famous tango of all time was actually in a silent movie.
It rocketed Italian heartthrob Rudolph Valentino to global fame (and did wonders for the tango).
The silent movie (Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse) was accompanied by full orchestras.
There are at least a dozen uploads of the tango on YouTube with different tango tunes. They all have accordions.
The score here very closely reflects the action. My guess is it’s the original orchestral one, even though we get good looks at the musicians and there’s no accordionist in sight there.
BTW I rather like that bouncy, knees-bent way of tango dancing, in which the flashing feet we see today are not everything.
Ahh, music. Sweet music. One of the greatest pleasures in life.
Map here of Hurricane Henri now headed north. Tomorrow night the eye will pass a short distance east of where I’m at.
It’s the tidal surge that is the real wildcard here and the “fun” thing to watch if I can call it that.
Hurricane Sandy back in 2012 surged the New York harbor and the Hudson River in front of me by quite a few feet. Looking down at the flooding (at night) was seriously weird.
To ride out the storm, three megayachts are already parked on the Hudson down below (their assigned area, there is a marina on the Manhattan side where their small shuttle boats tie up), this silver-gray boat “Dream” is one of them.
This one, named Odessa, is owned by one of the Russian oligarchs.
Our chum Henri is off decimating Rhode Island 100-plus miles to the northeast, with 50,000 without power already.
I’ve lived through worse. This is CNN’s latest headline for the local area: “Rainband from Henri stalling over New York City area”. Around midnight we were hit with about a foot of rainfall. I could see cars down on River Road floating.
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