Category: Amanda Knox #2
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Questions For Knox: 15 Questions That Drew Griffin On CNN Tonight SHOULD Have Asked
Posted by The Machine
Drew Griffin’s CNN report on Amanda Knox (replete with dozens of basic errors) can be read in transcript here.
Welcome to migrants from CNN. If you want to form a seriously fact-based opinion, please read this group of posts and especially the one by the very smart lawyer SomeAlbi at the top.
Amanda Knox’s family and friends are notorious for running a mile rather than ever facing any hard questioning. This is unique in crime reporting on American TV where strong suspects and convicted felons otherwise invariably get roasted - heard of CNN’s own Jane Velez Mitchell and Nancy Grace?
So it’s a pretty safe bet that we have got right in advance (see previous posts below) what Drew Griffin’s report for CNN will be like.
It will undoubtedly be very biased and one-sided, with the vast majority of the interviews featuring members of Amanda Knox’s family and supporters being tossed a number of soft ball questions.
The program will no doubt shamefully try to manipulate the emotions of the viewers, with the seemingly obligatory footage of Edda Mellas crying and numerous images of Amanda Knox as a baby and child. None of this has anything to do with the evidence that led to her unanimous conviction.
And it will babble on ignorantly about Mr Mignini without an ounce of impartial investigation..
Don’t expect to see any images of Amanda Knox that undermine her carefully crafted girl-next-door image. Such as the footage of her kissing Raffaele Sollecito outside the cottage whilst Meredith’s mutilated body was still inside, and such as the CCTV images of Knox laughing and kissing Sollecito in the boutique as if she didn’t have a care in the world.
I have listed below a number of tough questions that Drew Griffin should, but its a very safe bet won’t, ask Amanda Knox’s family. First, a couple of vital context facts.
1. The various alibis
Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito both gave at least three different alibis, all of which have turned out to be false. Nobody has ever provided a plausible innocent explanation for the numerous lies that Knox and Sollecito told before and after 5 November 2007.
Amanda Knox told Filomena that she had already phoned the police. Knox’s mobile phone records proved that this was untrue.
She told the postal police that Meredith always kept her door locked. Filomena strongly disagreed with her, and told the postal police the opposite was true.
And in her email to friends in on 4 November 2007, Amanda Knox says she called Meredith’s phones after speaking to Filomena. Knox’s mobile phone records prove that this was untrue and that she had called Meredith’s phones first.
Question for Knox: Why did Amanda Knox lie to Filomena and the postal police on 2 November 2007 and to her friends in her e-mail on 4 November 2007?
2. Sollecito’s alibi lies
On 5 November 2007, Raffaele Sollecito admitted to the police that he had lied to them and said that Amanda Knox had asked him to lie for her. He claimed that Amanda Knox had left his apartment at around 9.00pm and returned at about 1.00am on the night of the murder.
Question for Knox: Why did Sollecito stop providing Amanda Knox with an alibi and why does he still refuse to corroborate her alibi?
3. Sollecito’s further alibi lies
After admitting he had lied, Sollecito was given another opportunity to tell the police the truth. However, he decided to tell the police even more lies. These lies were exposed by his computer and mobile phone records.
Sollecito claimed that he had spoken to his father at 11pm. Phone records show that there was no telephone conversation at this time. Sollecito’s father called him a couple of hours earlier at 8.40pm.
He claimed that he was surfing the Internet from 11pm to 1am. There was no human interaction on his computer between 9.10am and 5.32am.
He claimed that he had slept until after 10.00am on 2 November 2007. However, he used his computer at 5.32am and played music for about 30 minutes. He turned on his mobile phone at about 6.02am and received three phone calls at 9.24am (248 seconds long) and at 9.30am and at 9.29am (38 seconds long).
4. The DNA on the bra clasp
An abundant amount of Raffaele Sollecito’s DNA was found on Meredith’s bra clasp. His DNA was identified by two separate DNA tests. Of the 17 loci tested in the sample, Sollecito’s profile matched 17 out of 17.
Question for Knox: Bearing in mind that DNA doesn’t fly, how would you account for the abundant amount of Sollecito’s DNA being on Meredith’s bra clasp?
5. The DNA on the large knife
Amanda Knox’s DNA was found on the handle of the double DNA knife and a number of independent forensic experts - Dr. Patrizia Stefanoni, Dr. Renato Biondo and Professor Francesca Torricelli - categorically stated that Meredith’s DNA was on the blade.
Question for Knox: How would you account for Meredith’s DNA being on the blade of the double DNA knife?
6. The traces of mixed blood
A number of criminal biologists testified at the trial that Amanda Knox’s blood was mixed with Meredith’s blood. Independent DNA expert Luciano Garofano stated that this was undoubtedly the case and even Amanda Knox’s lawyers conceded that her blood was mixed with Meredith’s blood.
Question for Knox: Why was Amanda Knox bleeding on the night of the murder and why was her blood mixed with Meredith’s blood in four different parts of the cottage?
7. Sollecito claims to cut Meredith
Sollecito claimed in his diary that he had accidentally pricked Meredith’s hand whilst cooking.
Question for Knox: Why do you think Sollecito lied about accidentally pricking Meredith’s hand whilst cooking?
8. Sollecito on Filomena’s room
Sollecito told the police that nothing had been stolen from Filomena’s room.
Question for Knox: How did Sollecito know nothing had been stolen from Filomena’s room?
9. Knox accuses Patrick
According to the corroborative testimony of multiple witnesses, including Knox’s interpreter, she voluntarily accused Diya Lumumba of murdering Meredith.
Question for Knox: Why did Amanda Knox voluntarily accuse an innocent man of murder?
10. Knox refusal to recant
She acknowledged that it was her fault that Diya Lumumba was in prison in an intercepted conversation with her mother on 10 November 2007, but she didn’t retract her allegation against Diya Lumumba the whole time he was in prison.
Question for Knox: Why didn’t Amanda Knox recant her false and malicious allegation against Diya Lumumba when he was in prison?
11. Knox at crime scene
Amanda Knox state on four separate occasions that she was at the cottage when Meredith was killed
Question for Knox: Why did Knox repeatedly claim to be there?
12. Knox’s Seattle call
Amanda Knox called her mother at 4.47am Seattle time before Meredith’s body had been discovered.
Question for Knox: Why did she phone her mother when it was in the middle of the night in Seattle and before anything had happened?
13. Knox forgets that call
Knox told her mother and the court that couldn’t remember making this phone call.
Question for Knox: Do you think Amanda Knox can’t genuinely remember phoning her mother at in the middle of the night?
14. Knox involvement
Amanda Knox voluntarily admitted her involvement in Meredith’s murder in her handwritten note to the police on 6 November 2007.
Question for Knox: Why did Amanda Knox voluntarily admit that she was involved in Meredith’s murder?
15. Knox calls Meredith
Knox claimed that when she called Meredith’s Italian phone it “just kept ringing, no answer”. Her mobile phone records show this call lasted just three seconds.
Question for Knox: Question for Knox: Do you think Amanda Knox made a genuine attempt to contact Meredith on 2 November 2007?