Friday, November 05, 2010
Rocco Girlanda’s Very Criticised Book On Knox Is Discussed By A Panel In Rome
Posted by Clander
[left to right: Mangani, Girlanda, Gramaglia, Thomas, Esposito]
On Monday 14 February Yahoo News linked to this post but we suspect Yahoo actually referred to this post which is our many many question (never responded to) to the Amanda Knox apologist Italian MP Rocco Girlanda
Our previous posts on Italian MP Rocco Girlanda’s energetic involvement with Amanda Knox can be found here and here and here.
Rocco Girlanda’s Italian-American Foundation organized a panel discussion of his book “Take me with you - Talks with Amanda Knox in prison” which took place on Tuesday of last week at the Palazzo Marini
Beforehand I had lunch in a bookstore next to Palazzo Chigi. One hour later I realized I had read half of Girlanda’s book. It’s a really easy read. Too easy.
It’s all about “me, me, me and more me.” Sound familiar?.
Girlanda promotes himself (and his foundation) so much in the book that at a certain point I was not sure if the book was even about Amanda Knox. Girlanda and Knox are using each other.
Less than 40 people in total were present at the discussion. Sitting next to Rocco Girlanda were Giampiero Gramaglia (moderator, not involved in the case); Patricia Thomas (Associated Press), Pina Esposito (SkyTG24) and Cristiana Mangani (Il Messaggero)
Sabina Castelfranco (CBS) could not make it.
The Massei Sentencing Report was never once mentioned and rather extraordinarily it remained unclear throughout whether anyone on the panel had actually read it.
Meredith was first mentioned by name a full 35 minutes from the start of the debate.
I got the impression that Girlanda had read the negative comments about him that have appeared on the Internet - it almost seemed as if he was quoting from some of the comments I had read. His statements were watered-down compared to the stuff I’d heard from him in the last few days.
For example, when Gramaglia asked Girlanda if he thought that Knox was innocent, Girlanda said that he “does not know” and that “thankfully, it is not up to him to decide” reading this from his book.
We’ll see if that’s really his position on the case in the next few weeks.
Not once did he mention in the discussion that he wrote the book/is involved in the case because he thinks that he (or his foundation) has a role in US-Italy relations.
He said he recently purchased 4 laptops. Three were for his eldest children. The fourth one was for AK and he had it delivered to her a while back.
He had met yet again with Amanda Knox just two days before (that must be added to the number of visits) and he gave her a copy of his book.
The panel discussion had opened with a few sentences from Girlanda in which he explained that he started following the case after Senator Cantwell made her “anti-Americanism” claims.
Patricia Thomas stated that those remarks were “ridiculous” and that “anyone who has been to Italy or knows Italy knows they are not true”. In her words, “Italians simply love Americans” (vabbè, mo’ non esageriamo). Her spoken Italian is really good.
Girlanda stated that he is interested in the state of the prisons in Umbria and that is why he went to visit Knox in prison (in his words, his “first visit to AK was the first time I had ever entered a prison”) and that the book was written “by chance” after his numerous encounters with her.
He stressed numerous times that, as an MP, he has the right to visit prisoners.
We were told at the meeting that one American journalist has visited Knox in prison: Patricia Thomas. She was present during Girlanda’s very first visit to Knox.
Patricia Thomas described the prison. She said it is a lot better than many summer camps she had been to when she was younger. The food is amazing and she could not believe that they even have bidets in the cells. She said that she took a lot of flack for writing about this a few months ago.
Girlanda said in response that the men’s section of the prison is not as nice since it is overcrowded. He made no mention of whom he visited in the men’s section, if anyone.
Ms Thomas said she could not believe that Knox’s mom and sister were taking pictures of each other inside the Court (“as if they were tourists inside the Sistine Chapel”) only a few hours before the verdict.
She spoke very highly of the Kerchers. In particular, she spoke of Merdith’s siblings at the press conference after the trial. She described them as “beautiful, well educated and articulate”.
Gramaglia asked the 3 journalists sitting next to him how they would have voted had they been on the jury panel:
Patricia Thomas, who really did not want to answer this question, and showed no familiarity with the Massei report, said that she would have acquitted Knox and Sollecito.
Pina Esposito said that, based on the evidence, Knox and Sollecito are guilty. She would have voted guilty.
Cristiana Mangani, who showed no familiarity with the Massei report, said that Rudy Guede alone killed Meredith and that “Knox and Sollecito are in prison based on NOTHING” (yes, she said “nothing”, NIENTE). So, of course, she would have acquitted.
Ms Thomas said that Knox was “terribly handled by the PR firm and the lawyers”.
She said that in her opinion the lawyer Mr Della Vedova was hired for “opportunistic reasons” and that Mr Ghirga was “like a father who could not control his exuberant kid”.
She said that “AK’s PR efforts” should have focused on Italy and not on the US and she added that “it’s a good thing that this book has come out a few weeks before the start of AK’s appeal”.
At this point, the moderator Mr Gramaglia asks if anyone had any questions.
There was an ANSA journalist sitting in the first row who was really anxious to ask a question after Patricia Thomas made her remark about the book coming out “a few weeks before the start of the appeal”.
First of all he responded to Ms Thomas by saying that her statement that “it is good that this book has come out a few weeks before the appeal” is an insult to the Appellate Court. The ANSA journalist explained to Ms Thomas that the book would have no effect whatsoever on the Court.
He then asked Girlanda how he responds to those who are accusing him of exploiting the case and of being just another “puppy” in Knox’s hands (and by the tone of his voice and how he asked the question, it seemed as if he was one of those making the accusations).
Girlanda replied by saying that the proceeds of the book were going to his foundation and that he would not be involved when the board decides how that money should be spent.
Regarding the puppy comment, Girlanda replied “they can think what they want”.
Suddenly, no more questions were being taken.
[below Associated Press reporter Patricia Thomas who said she would have founnd AK and RS not guilty]
How anyone can make some flippant judgement contradicting the jury’s decision without sitting through the whole (year-long) trial, or at the very least thoroughly going through all the evidence and the judges’ reports is beyond me. Stunning ignorance. Where do they get these people?
By Storm Roberts (Innai)
One would have thought, or at least hoped, that those on a panel discussing a book on someone who has been convicted in their first trial would have had a handle on the sentencing report at least. Although, given the lack of questions taken at the end it doesn’t appear to have been a particularly open discussion.
I was interested to see Ms. Thomas’ remark regarding Knox’s family snapping photographs in the court room - that had always seemed so totally bizarre to me, it was one of those moments where I genuinely wondered if they understood the gravity of the situation.
Her remarks on Knox being “terribly handled by the PR firm and the lawyers” are also interesting. I think most people would agree that the PR effort in the US has not been beneficial but I have never heard such criticism of her lawyers. I have thought they were doing a stirling job and that they had not been helped by the PR campaign either.
The PR campaign is waged in the court of public opinion.
The search for truth and justice is conducted in a Court of Law.
Sorry, Clander, I am wandering off topic. Thank you for your very insightful report, you have given us lots to think upon, not least the meaning of the word “nothing”.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Another In Seeming Never-Ending Disasters For Hapless Knox Campaign
Or to previous entry Report #2 On Perugia: What Very Very Close Neighbors Sollecito And Guede Really Were