Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Mr Mignini, Pehaps Keep A Close Eye On This Person, Too
Posted by Peter Quennell
[Amended] That guy on the far left is said to be Frank. We owe you one, Candace. Thanks for the tip.
An email that came in from a trusted source says Frank’s collaboration on the book deal is believed to be dead.
If that really is the case, it is good news, and that is the end of this story. We’ll keep watching, though.
By the way we dont really go looking for stuff on Frank. It just pours in. Perugians seem really ticked at him.
How does Frank get to sit with these real journalists? David Owen and Nick Pisa are both famous and they report in real newspapers.
Now we are getting email demands for the post to go back up, until we hear straight from Francesco himself that he will give NO help in finding sources for that book.
Visitors from Franks (welcome) please tell him OR that we want a clear statement of his intent or we will have no choice but to hold his feet to the fire.
Also, ask him to email us 3 or 4 nice mug-shots.
Pete, Maresca definitely needs to be informed of these people. Maresca needs to be made aware of who the Seattle woman is and what she is up to,
I am so sad to see her near the Kercher’s it really makes me want to throw up knowing how she as nobody else has actively been undermining the case, and that the real reason was not to help Knox or anyone at al but instead it always has been about the cold money.
I’m going to try to find out Maresca’s address, it cannot be too hard.
The woman in your photos looks like Mark David Chapman, the way she stares at them behind their backs and they, are unaware of what she is all about, I think they need to know that she is writing a book, and using their daughter’s death, through murder, as subject matter.
They need to know she was looking for a subject when she came across the case of their daughter’s murder and that she jumped on it, right away, deciding there and then to use this very case to fill a book.
It is a totally impersonal set-up as far as her input is concerned the only person she really cares about is most obviously herself.
As soon as I have Mr Maresca’s details I will pass them on to you Pete, if you do not have them already.
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