Thursday, January 15, 2009
Good Overview Of The Case In Germany’s Der Spiegel
Posted by Peter Quennell
Click above for the two-part report by Alexander Smoltczyk.
Based on the numbers of reports appearing in Germany, interest in the case is high there. It seems to rank fourth after Italy, the UK, and the US.
There is some mild sensationalism in the newspapers there; not much. Reporting on the whole is as in this report: factual and objective.
Before she moved to Perugia Amanda Knox stayed with an uncle in Germany and interned for a day or two at the Bundestag in Berlin. German is one of her languages.
An on-the-run Rudy Guede was caught on a train in Germany and after a brief period he was semt back to Italy where he broke from the other two.
And Italy is the Number One tourist destination for Germans on vacation. They know and really like the place.
Rudy Guede was caught at Mainz, just west of Frankfurt. Mainz is the home-town of the biggest US air-base in the world outside of the US itself.
A large number of African-Americans are on duty at that base and they live round about. Rudy would have blended in quite well.
Was that why he was there? Perhaps. Maybe soon we will hear all. Sleeping on trains would not of course be too typical.
More on <a href=“http://www.truejustice.org/ee/index.php?/tjmk/comments/new_pressure_now_on_rudy_guede_to_start_talking/”>Rudy Guede here.<a> On whether he will crack.
That smiling of Knox’s might backfire, because it may well lead to Soolecito cracking up, maybe he will not be up to it all, keeping the act up, like Knox told him long ago, I can’t keep all this up
except, now, it will be Sollecito who cannot keep it all up.
Knox obvioulsy thinks she made it to Hollywood but you can only fake so much. That certain penetrating look she has, I mean a calculated hard look, that was still readable to me through her fake smiles.
Will she sit throuugh the entire proceedings like it is oh so much fun?
The calculation here, the prest, the other day; yes I told her tell the truth and if you want to smile, you can.
Now it seems clear, she had it in her head, perhaps through own design, as in, all my own work mama, or else, through the advisors; Yes, smile, they like that, people liked Meredith because she had a wonderful smile.
So fact is it may well be true that Knox robbed Meredith of life and now is setting about stealing Meredith’s personality too by pretending to be her, like in some twisted film that everyone who watches it thinks; yeah, but this is going a bit far it couldn’t happen.
In this case it is.
Will she then greet Arline and John Kercher with a lovely big fat smile; Hey, hi, how are you doing, nice to see you here, how’s life?
Is this insanity or what?
Is there no saviung grace?
Is there no sense of respect and timing?
Appropriate Behaviour, Part 1
Judge; I sentence you to life imprisonment with no chance of parole!
Would that be something to laugh about for Knox?
Sollecito, it looks like he knows that it is serious, Knox though, she wants to have people believe it is not real, and have them think that she is just wonderful.
Let’s see the case then.
So get your t-shirts, mugs and colgate snmiles, it’s only a murder trial!!!
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