Wednesday, November 24, 2010
1st Appeal Session: Appellant Raffaele Sollecito Arrives In Appeals Court
Posted by Peter Quennell
[Comment reposted here for poster Lilly]
Ugh, he does look confident…why? Sollecito gives me the creeps.
Peter, do you think Sollecito would stand to gain from splitting from Knox? If he continues to claim his total innocence and non-involvement does it do him any good to throw her under the proverbial bus or is it better to continue to stick together? (Not that they did so in the first trial, since Sollecito did not say Knox was with him all night.)
If he did split from her how would he do it? By stating unequivocally that she was not with him? He surely cannot say he was “only there for the cleanup†since that admits there was a cleanup - which they (very ineffectively) have denied, and who on Earth helps their g/f of a few days clean up after a brutal murder, then spends years in jail as a result of not admitting that?
I can’t see he has any hope apart from to continue the “I wasn’t there†tactic, and somehow hope that either his defense can succeed in making the lone wolf scenario stick (and I can’t see how they can do that) or introduce doubt over the evidence placing him at the scene, and maybe something new about his phone being switched off all night - his excuses about that were demolished at the first trial.
I can’t believe that the “new surprise Deus Ex witness that fell from the sky†approach is going to work.
The Massei report does set out a very thorough and strong interpretation of ALL the evidence against him and that together with his pathetic silence in the first trial surely cannot bode well for him this time.
Knox does sound like she is desperate to reach out to him. Either she is desperately emotionally needy or she is trying to manipulate him. I wonder what his lawyers have told him about that.
[Comment reposted here for poster Lilly]
Why no handcuffs?
Hi jhansigirl. Yeah that it’s true that all perps at this level of felony in Italy are compelled to wear handcuffs en route to and from their seats by the defense lawyers - or to and from that cage-like object against the right wall where most of them reside.
This is often discussed on the PMF forum and to our knowledge there has never been a public ruling or reason stated. It may be a kind of tradeoff or concession to all the photographs being printed and posted around the world.
By Storm Roberts (Innai)
Maybe they had to wear them on the way in the van?
Guede certainly did.
Knox remarked today that she still loves Sollecito, maybe for real, maybe to try to hold him close during the appeal.
Interesting therefore that Sollecito has shed his Harry Potter look which Knox said was what first grabbed her about him.
No glasses. He seems to have moved over to contacts instead.
However both of them do seem to be being taken care of by the same hairdresser.
We need our insightful poster Hopeful here today to explain the deeper meanings in all of this.
I doubt that she “loves” him, but she is probably afraid he could turn on her. If I remember, she had “gone back” to her previous boyfriend and had then said she still felt close to Raffaele but (blah-blah-blah). I wonder if this previous boy friend is still in the picture? We never saw him at the hearings, did we?
You are right, Raffaele looks more confident and very different looking. I read this morning somewhere that he appeared “distant”. With her? Do we know anything?
@ jhansigirl, Peter, Innai
This matter is ruled by art. 42-bis of law n.492 of 12/12/1992 “Disposizioni in materia di traduzioni di soggetti in condizione di restrizione della libertà personale e di liberazione di imputati prosciolti”
During a transfer of a single person considered not dangerous this procedure is allowed.
http://win.uglpoliziapenitenziaria.it/normative/legge 12 dicembre 1992, n[1]. 492.pdf
I also wonder:
Raffaele seems very confident, while Amanda is livid. Could that indicate that Raffaele’s lawyers have some “ace” in their sleaves that Amanda’s have not?
Then it could mean a splitting ... The fact that she says she “loves” him - after she tried to get in touch over the phone with him etc… seems to show she is afraid of this kind of situation… or not?
Dear Patou,
of course Amanda is livid, her friend Madison Paxton had been just hired as photographer by Rocco ‘Wreath’ Girlanda for his Corriere dell’Umbria and, I guess, without her permission ….
Raffaele appears much more confident and chirpy than I expected; thought we would see a broken, depressed character. Yes, suits other ‘chiselled’ and glasses look much more. Patou’s right about Knox saying previously that still loved her boyfriend in USA and couldn’t commit herself to Raffaele totally because of this. Maybe her expression of love now is a concealed message or a bit of PR work.
She loves him yeah! yeah! yeah!
If you believe that you believe anything.
What about her boyfriend in Seattle, Johnsrud when she went to Italy?
She wasted no time in ‘loving’ other guys, including notably a man in the toilet on a train.
Of course this never happened according to her sister - her description of the encounter was just Amanda being Amanda and laughing about Italian men.
Of course the photos she took of him half naked and posted on her social networking site which prompted her grandma to comment “don’t go naked near anymore Italian men” and one from her Seattle friends: “Jeez Amanda I knew you was weird but..”
Never happened.
Amanda is the supreme being, she loves everybody.
When she gets out of jail DJ, don’t hold your breath - she has a camping trip already booked with Rocco.
looks to me as if raffaele is on some kind of mood altering drugs—seriously. that breezy smile does not look real to me. and who in their right mind is happy in prison? serving just one year of a 26-year sentence sure did wipe the smile/smirk off amanda’s face.
whatever else we know about amanda knox, she does seem to have inner resources she can draw upon to cope with prison life, ie. participating in group activities, working. i don’t see raffaele possessing the same kind of pluck.
i don’t know what the rules are, but i assume there are psychiatrists available in some capacity to treat prisoners, especially a prisoner with a wealthy physician parent.
Wayra, since RS can no longer smoke serious amounts of dope to escape from reality perhaps he is benefitting from detox, psychiatric treatment and medication. That might include calming sedatives or antidepressants.
lilly, yes, good point!
His face is a bit puffy which to me seems as though he is on some type of medication.
Where next:
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