Kidnapper Of UK Model In Italy Gets 16 Years, His Claims “It Was A Hoax” Don’t Sway Italians
Prosecution recording of re-enactment entered into evidence
More hoaxes bite dust in Italy
Kidnapper Lukasz Herba’s intent according to model Chloe Ayling was to auction her for $300,000.
He claimed otherwise, and that she was complicit. Numerous English-language YouTubes probably not watched much in Italy (see one below) attempted to poke holes in her story and to bash Italian justice yet again.
The Italian court and media simply brushed this aside as ill-informed attention-seeking. In Italian (surprise, surprise) they got to hear about many more holes in Herba’s story, including recordings from jail of his calling his mother to get her to destroy evidence.
The court heard how Herba portrayed himself as a “mythomaniac adventurer” who claimed to have kidnapped and killed before in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the email he sent to Chloe’s agent he attached pictures of her lying semi naked on the floor in an unconscious state.
The court accepted that Chloe (who is from Coulsdon, Meredith’s home town) had acted smartly, in ways most proven to see kidnappees gain freedom and come out alive. Case closed for Italians.
In ways reminiscent of Elizabeth Smart she has repeatedly given interviews in English explaining the way out that worked for her.
in June the Italian court sentenced Herba to 16 years and 9 months. His brother is next in line.
With Italian and now UK opinion seemingly strongly behind her, Chloe Ayling is a popular draw on British TV.
She may sue some of the hoaxers. Now there is an idea.
Shades of Knox? Herba was as convincing in court at destroying the hoax as Ayling. This is from the Sun’s reporting on the trial back in March.
The court also heard that after he was arrested last July. Herba told cops he had kidnapped Chloe for a Romanian gang.
He said he had been diagnosed with leukaemia and needed the money for treatment and that was why he planned the snatch, it was claimed.
He had initially said Chloe was going to be auctioned as a sex slave for the Black Death group.
But under questioning from Mr Storari he denied everything he has told investigators during his interrogation.
Herba said: “It was all invented. I don’t have leukaemia. There were no Romanians and there was no Black Death group.”
Chloe Ayling does not want to deceive. She is telling the truth.
She is using neither selective omission, obfuscation, nor ambiguity; unlike you-know-who.
“Shades of Knox”? You bet. Chloe Ayling’s kidnapper and his pack of lies. Same thing with lying Chris Watts. He has been arrested for killing his wife and two daughters. Watch his tv interviews saying he had “no idea” where they went, one lie after another. Watch him lapse into Knox-like vagaries moving into fog of fantasy as he says while standing on his front porch in Colorado where they lived as a family, “I don’t feel like this is even real right now. It’s like a nightmare I can’t wake up from….When I got home yesterday it was like a ghost town. She wasn’t here…I have no idea, like, where they went.”
As the youtube commenter said of Watts, “What a PSYCHO.” A killer will hide behind lies, Knox and Sollecito both did. Guede lies like breathing, it’s a constant with him. Three good liars all got together.
Chris Watts the liar also said, “In my heart I believe that she is somewhere and I hope that she is safe.” But of course he had killed them all and they’ve now found wife’s body in the oil and gas fields where Chris works. I saw this lying wonder in headlines after a day trip out of town yesterday, and his smooth smarmy interviews pleading for someone to bring back his missing loved ones was sickening in light of later developments of his guilt.
Chris Watts, age 33, said he and his wife (who was 15 weeks pregnant) “had an emotional conversation” when his wife returned from a business trip about 1 a.m. after her flight was delayed. He said he then left for work at 5:15 a.m. “the last time I saw her”. Of course the “emotional conversation” was obviously a knock-down drag-out fight in which Chris exploded in anger. These liars always minimize truth but put in a tidbit. Check him out, he is from North Carolina and his wife owned a home in Belmont. They married in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte, NC area) and moved to Colorado. They declared bankruptcy in 2013. She traveled with a company that sold weight loss plans. She is originally from Moore County near Fayetteville, NC an area I know well. What a disaster of a marriage ending in complete slaughter. So the lies begin, just like Knox: get someone isolated away from their family and then go crazy on them, keeping it all in a dream like state.
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