Another Attempt By An Outside Body To Interfere With Italian Justice While Far Short On Hard Facts
Finding of CIA operatives guilt nearly 9 years ago.
1. The Abu Omar/CIA Case
There’s a strange twist in a US/Italy case we check out now and then.
The case was the kidnapping of a radical Abu Omar (real name Nasr) by CIA operatives in Milan in 2003. He was shuttled to Egypt where the CIA tortured him there.
Italy’s reaction was to be commended. It was harsh.
Click for Post: Italian Judge Ruling Is Tough But Fair In Another Case Involving Americans
Click for Post: CIA v. State Department: A Significant Development For The Perugia Case?
Click for Post: Some Homework For Curt Knox/Marriott/FOA: How Leaning On Italian Judiciary Can Seriously Misfire
Click for Post: The Prospects In Favor Of A Possible Fugitive Amanda Knox Take Yet Another Hit
The 25-plus CIA guys all ignored Italy’s request to return for trial. One Portuguese operative was let go. Italy has never sent a request for mass extradition from the US though the team leader Robert Lady did forfeit a house.
After it was all over Abu Omar was tried in absentia in Italy - and found guilty of organizing a major terrorist event which ironically would have happened had he not been snatched.
He was sentenced to six years. But he remains in Egypt and may never see the inside of an Italian cell.
So you might think pro-justice bodies would be lobbying Italy (if at all) to see in prison any of the above? But take a look.
Click for Post: ICJ calls on President Conte to remove obstacles to justice on Abu Omar rendition
Instead of going after any of the above, the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva now seeks to use what power it has to pressure the new PM of Italy to put its now-retired top spy - the one quite possibly out of the loop - on trial (again). Huh?!
2. The Joel Simon/CPJ Case
Too many other non-UN bodies too often dont get it right.
You might remember this which the mafia poodle Doug Preston moved along, in a dishonest and very nasty attempt to poison the Italian jury pool and inflame American public opinion - in fact global public opinion - in Meredith’s case.
Kermit mainly reports.
Click for Post: Open Letter To CPJ’s Joel Simon In New York: This Is The Fact Finding YOU Really Should Have Done
Click for Post: Open Letter To CPJ’s Joel Simon In New York: This Is The Fact Finding YOU Really Should Have Done #2
Click for Post: Committee To Protect Journalists Responds, But Provides No List Of Sources Or Interview Transcripts
Click for Post: Open Letter #3 To Joel Simon Of CPJ: Not Even One Anti-Mignini Accusation Withstands Careful Testing
Click for Post: Is Joel Simon Of CPJ Now In Hiding - And Pushing The Naive Nina Ognianova Out To Take The Hits?
Click for Post: It Looks Like Joel Simon And Nina Ognianova May Have Been Set Up In Their New Attack On Mignini
Click for Post: CPJ Talks As If Franks Blog Had A Core Audience Of Millions, While It Was Really One Or Two Dozen
Click for Post: CPJ Accusation #1 Against Italian Justice Officials : Was The Anon Blogger Pushed And Threatened?
Click for Post: CPJ Accusation #2 Against Italian Justice Officials : Did Court Officials Hassle The Anon Blogger?
Click for Post: CPJ Accusation #3 Against Italian Justice Officials : Was Anon Blogger Arrested On MIGNINI’S Orders?
Click for Post: CPJ Accusation #4 Against Italian Justice Officials: Mr Mignini Sues For Defamation Without Cause?
Really shocking, right? We will be explaining this hoax to the media soon, along with all other ways the case was bent, and mafia poodle Doug Preston’s endemic role.
This is an interim post to be dropped down to below the Machine’s powerful arc when he resumes.
It draws more attention to the role of the mafia poodle Doug Preston. He along with mafia poodles Steve Moore and Bruce Fischer were largely responsible for dropping the gullible incompetent John Douglas in the soup.
None of course are now coming to Douglas’s support. Hard to see how they can. They are tiptoeing away.
The mafia fronts Injustice in Perugia and Injustice Anywhere, to the extent they get any readership at all, babble on only about conspiracy theories supposedly involving an unrecognizable us.
We once saw them as sheep because of their inability to think for themselves.
But poodles is more correct because they are happy to be led anywhere (no offense to poodles, by the way, nice dogs)(or to sheep).
Where next:
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Or to previous entry Kidnapper Of UK Model In Italy Gets 16 Years, His Claims “It Was A Hoax” Don’t Sway Italians