Category: 34 Bad guy hoax
The Seattle University Panel: Some Of The Ways In Which Steve Moore Got His Analysis Wrong
Posted by James Raper
I have watched the clip of Steve Moore’s address at the University of Seattle seminar.
1. Scenario of the crime
Steve Moore starts with the assertion that it is obvious what happened. Guede broke in via Filomena’s window and went to the loo.
Meredith comes home and is attacked, raped and murdered by him. Naturally he did not show a photo of Filomena’s window from outside the cottage. I wonder why?
Meredith came home at 9.30pm. She died some time after 11pm. Steve Moore does not elaborate as to what Guede was doing all the time in between. He sat on the loo for a long time and/or the sexual attack went on for a long time? Both unlikely hypotheses.
2. Concerning bleach
Then Steve Moore turns to what he states is “The Lie over the Bleach Cleaner”.
Whether or not the police/prosecution ever said that they thought bleach cleaner had been used is not clear to me. Whether or not they had, it was not something that they continued to insist on. No one smelt bleach at the cottage on the 2nd November.
In any event Steve Moore has his own argument (which, to be fair, I did follow) to demonstrate from the pictures of the luminol traces that there could have been no bleach used as a cleaning agent.
“No bleach, no clean up!” The fact that one can wipe away relatively recent blood/bodily fluids without bleach escaped him.
Having established that there was no bleach used he explains the luminol glow as being due to ..yes.. bleach!
3. The luminol footprints
Drawing on his claimed considerable FBI experience (yet to be validated by anybody) he asserts that luminol reacts to bleach as strongly as blood.
Experienced forensic experts say that they can often tell the difference because the strength of a reaction all depends on the concentration in bleach ““ bleach which was not used in a clean up and which no one detected by sense of smell.
He then goes on to say that bleach is commonly used as a household cleaner. Yes, the main constituent of bleach is chlorine or chloride, commonly used, diluted with other ingredients, in some household cleaning fluids, though of course bleach can be bought as bleach.
Steve Moore says that Amanda Knox took a shower on the morning of the 2nd November, standing in the shower basin in diluted bleach (very diluted after a shower, one would think) and then traced that around, accounting for the luminol glow.
You do not have to be terribly clever to see that if that was the case then the luminol glow would not be all that bright due to the dilution. One can see from the photos that the glow was in fact very bright.
One also has to wonder why straight from the shower she stepped in Meredith’s invisible blood (in fact she says she scooted from the bathroom to her room on the bathmat) without the diluted bleach degrading Meredith’s DNA.
4. Concerning TMB tests
Steve Moore asserts that Stefanoni lied about TMB tests. TMB is tetramethylbenzadine and it is used to establish whether a detected trace is blood or not.
The reactive process is the same as with luminol which has to be used to detect a trace in the first place. It is to do with the peroxadase-like activity of heme. The results look different however, TMB produces a change of colour whilst luminol produces a glow in the dark.
Steve Moore was initially appalled to think that Stefanoni did not use the TMB test on the luminol revealed traces, but then it was discovered that she had and the results were negative as to blood.
Conclusion : she lied about the TMB tests. Why? According to Steve Moore because she knew the luminol test did not reveal blood. And was trying to conceal this fact.
I would be surprised if Steve Moore has read the trial records. What does Massei say? All I can find are the following:
Stefanoni did say that she could not be positive that what the luminol revealed was blood. Here I think that she was speaking very carefully as a scientist and leaving others to their conclusions.
I do not see that she was specifically asked about TMB tests re luminol so I cannot comment on that.
However Massei quotes Amanda Knox’s expert, Dr Gino, in the following terms :
With respect to the luminol positive traces found in Romanelli’s room, in Knox’s room and in the corridor, she (Gino) states that by analysing the SLA cards “we learn, in contradiction to what was presented in the technical report deposited by the Scientific police, and also to what was said in court, that not only was the luminol test performed on these traces, but also the generic process for the presence of blood, using tetramethylbenzadine .. and this test “¦ gave a negative result.
On being asked as to why generic tests like luminol and TMB might produce different results:
She added that in her own experience, analyses performed with TMB on traces revealed by luminol give about even results : 50% negative, 50% positive.
I would have thought that Gino’s statement is statistically meaningless unless we assume that we are talking about blood traces revealed by luminol.
So, in other words, the fact that the TMB tests were negative does not establish that the luminol-revealed trace was not blood.
From which I assume, since luminol and TMB have the same reactive process, that the prior luminol test takes precedence, be it that of course the trace might be vegetable or fruit juice, or bleach!- none of which, of course, are capable of producing a human DNA read out, whereas blood does.
Also I would have thought that if the reactive process is the same for both then the reactive process engendered by the luminol may not leave much for a subsequent TMB test ““ but then that’s just speculation.
I am no scientist, but then neither is Steve Moore really qualified to talk of the actual scientific process despite being in the FBI for 25 years ( he says). I think that the closest he gets to science is how to use an aerosol can.
5. Other claims
The following topics were also then discussed by Steve Moore : Bathroom photos, staged break in, murder weapon versus knife mark, and contamination. More of the same.