4. Knox Book Lies 130 To 171
Also Implacably Nasty… Click here to go straight to Comments.
1. Overview Of This Post
My opinion is that this book is essentially Amanda Knox’s way of getting back at everyone in Italy she ever encountered, while falsely making her notoriously brash, sharp-elbowed, frequently drugged-up persona look endearing, naive, and squeaky-clean.
Knox includes numerous lies, smears, and stories to compromise literally dozens of others. None of them help clear up what happened to Meredith. And given how rampant the lies are, it doesn’t really clarify anything about Amanda Knox either. All it really does is to muddy the waters, which may be the real desired benefit.
I previewed this series and explained why “Revenge of the Knox” in this post here. Series post #1 dissected pages 1 to 66 of the new paperback edition. Post #2 dissected pages 67 to 107. And Post #3 disected pages 108 to 172.
2. Dissection Of Pages 173 to 207.
[Chapter 15, Page 173] ‘’ ... Her empathy and advice always made me feel on safe ground. I didn’t really get into trouble in high school, but I knew that if I did, she would support me through the situation. When I was at odds with myself, she’d reassure me that I was worthy of a happy life….’‘
- Hate to break it to you, but this isn’t like getting detention in high school.
[Chapter 15, Page 173] ‘’ ... Now my no-questions-asked, I’ll-come-help-you-wherever-you-are mother sat across from me in an empty room in Capanne Prison. This time she couldn’t just make it all go away. She couldn’t do anything but comfort me….’‘
- So, were you talking face to face, or was it over a telephone?
- Funny, in the book you don’t mention how you told your Mom ‘‘I was there’’ and that Patrick was innocent. Oops.
- She couldn’t make it all go away? Are you a child? No doubt you wanted her to.
[Chapter 15, Page 174] ‘’ ... “I’m so sorry, Mom. I’m so sorry,” I moaned. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
I had so much to explain. After four days of being ordered around and ignored, I was finally in front of the one person who had always listened. But I worried that the overwhelming need I’d felt to tell the police what they wanted to hear wouldn’t make sense to anyone who had never been pushed so far. How could I explain it to her when I didn’t even understand it myself? More than anything, I needed my mother to believe me….’‘
- Four days of being ordered around and ignored? Didn’t you say you wanted to stay in Perugia to help the police? Didn’t you go to class Monday morning, and spent the evening with Raffaele and a friend?
- Didn’t the police ask only for Raffaele that night—and that you had to beg them to let you in. Didn’t you say that in that first time at the Questura, they kept EVERYONE from the house: You, Laura, Filomena, Giacomo, the other men downstairs?
- Tell the police everything? Like how Meredith had her f***ing throat cut? She f***ing bled to death? That she screamed? That she was moved? Is that what you mean by telling the police everything?
- Yeah, you probably DID need Mom to believe you. She likely wouldn’t mortgage your house if you said you did it?
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... I went through my interrogation with her step by step””the repeated questions, the yelling, the threats, the slaps. I explained to her how terrified I’d felt…’‘
- Really, did you include the account (like in Chapter 10, about (Mayor) Mignini ‘‘interrogating’’ you, even when he was not there?
- Out of curiosity, you claim that you barely spoke Italian (though you evidently learn VERY quickly). You also said there was no interpreter, (even though Anna Donnino testified that she did act as an interpreter for you). So, how do you know they were threatening you?
- These ‘‘slaps’’ ... were you ‘‘beaten’’ by the police, or did it ‘‘only frighten’’ you? It can’t really be both.
- And as for being hit, your own lawyer, Luciano Ghirga, said publicly you were not hit. Was he lying?
- Why did Dalla Vedova ‘‘omit’’ your ‘‘beatings’’ by police in your ECHR complaint?
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... “I didn’t come up with those things on my own,” I said. “I told them I’d been with Raffaele all night at his apartment. But they demanded to know whom I’d left to meet, who Patrick was, if I had let him into the villa. They insisted I knew who the murderer was, that I’d be put in jail for thirty years if I didn’t cooperate.”
- Actually, you said (over the telephone, this was recorded) ‘‘I cannot lie. I was there.’’ What did you mean by that?
- Actually, they wanted to know Raffaele removed his alibi for you, as any police officer would wonder.
- They didn’t wonder who Patrick was. You gave them his name.
- A touching mother/daughter moment. But you still leave you the part where you tell your mom Patick is innocent, and she does nothing.
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... I told her that I had signed the witness statements out of confusion and exhaustion, that as soon as I had a few minutes by myself, I realized that what I’d said under pressure might be wrong. “I thought I could fix my mistake by explaining it in writing,” I said. “Instead, they arrested me.”
- Seriously? Did you actually read those witness statements?
- The first time you are quite clear you left Raffaele to meet Patrick, and he killed her. (but you omit it from your book)
- The second one you say you you were there when Patrick killed Meredith, Raffaele might be there (but you omit it from your book)
- The third one you say that your mind is making things up, but that you might have been there with Patrick
- You also didn’t include your November 4th ‘‘mass email’‘, which contradicts most of what the other statements say.
- And of course, these ‘‘written statements’’ contradict everything you said in all your other police statements.
- So, how does you writing statements do anything but muddy the waters? Unless that is your goal…
[Chapter 15, Page 175] ‘’ ... The immense burden I’d been carrying by myself lifted. I felt light-headed with relief. It was the first time since before my arrest that I’d talked to someone who knew I was innocent, who believed in me. I had longed to hear that for days””from anyone! Of course it came from the most important person in my life….’‘
- Umm… did you forget this passage from chapter 13, page 122?
‘’ I tried to answer, to say, “I’m okay,” but I couldn’t stop the surge of tears. Lupa asked her colleague to unlock the door and came inside. She squatted in front of me and took my cold hands in her large ones and rubbed them. “You have to stay strong,” she said. “Everything will be figured out soon.”
- So is Agente Lupa the first person who ‘‘knew’’ you were innocent, or was it your Mom?
- And for someone ‘‘keeping notes’’ in prison, how did you miss something like this?
[Chapter 15, Page 176] ‘’ ... Since the hearing, I’d realized that she couldn’t mamma-bear me out of prison. “Now I’ll have to stay here until the prosecutor figures out there isn’t any evidence against me””that I wasn’t at the scene of Meredith’s murder.”
Mom squeezed my hands reassuringly. “I promise everything’s going to be okay, Amanda. It’s not your fault that the police scared you””you tried to fix things.”
- No, the jails would likely be empty if ‘‘Mamma-Bearing’’ could get people out.
- Stay until the prosecutor figures out there isn’t any evidence? You gave false alibis, had your alibi pulled, make a Susan Smith style false accusation, let slip several personal details of the crime, and wrote statements saying you were there. There is evidence against you.
- And ‘‘wait until the prosecutor figures out’‘, as in what, identifies Guede from the traces you left?
- Yes, Amanda did try to ‘‘fix things’‘. Patrick was hauled out in handcuffs because of it.
[Chapter 15, Page 177] ‘’ ... “I’ll be back in a few days””as soon as they let me,” Mom said. “Carlo and Luciano will come talk to you again, and your dad is flying over. This is all a big misunderstanding, and it will get fixed. We’ll be here with you for as long as it takes. We’ll get through this together. I love you so much.”
- Carlo (Vedova) and Luciano (Ghirga)? Wasn’t there someone named Giancarlo Costa who represented you for a while? Is he still left out? You remember the topics you and Raffaele discussed the night Meredith was murdered, but not who your lawyers were at the time?
- ’‘It will get fixed’‘? Uh… are you looking through the ‘‘business Judge’’ directory?
[Chapter 15, Page 177] ‘’ ... My imprisonment didn’t change the dynamic between Mom and Dad. They didn’t suddenly seem like close friends. They didn’t show affection for each other. They both focused on me. But it made me swell with love for my parents to see that even though they were marked by their failed marriage, they were able to create a united front.
They’d arranged this visit together. They were talking to Luciano and Carlo together…’‘
- Still no Giancarlo Costa?
- Well, you have screwed up your family’s life, but at least you gave them some purpose. Kudos.
- No affection? What, you’d think they are divorced or something.
- So, when are we going to hear about dad hiring Marriott Gogerty?
[Chapter 15, Page 178] ‘’ ... Capanne made eight hours available for visitors each month””on Tuesdays and Saturdays””but the prison allowed each prisoner only six visits. This infuriated my parents, who wanted to be there each time the prison was open to outsiders. It made me crazy, too. Eventually Carlo and Luciano were able to arrange eight colloqui a month, and sometimes nine, by pleading with the prison authorities that my family had to come so far to see me. Even with the bumped-up hours, the amount of time I was able to spend with the people I loved was such a tiny fraction of the thousands of hours I was locked up, trapped among strangers…’‘
- So, the claims that you got special privileges .... you are already getting extra visiting time.
- Yes, visiting generally is a lot less time than the rest of the day. That is why it is called visiting time.
[Chapter 15, Page 179] ‘’ ... Without them, I think I would have had a complete breakdown. I would not have been able to survive my imprisonment.
Before my parents left together that first time, Mom grasped my hands again, leaned toward me, and, tears brimming, said urgently, “Amanda, I’d do anything to take your place. Your job now is to take care of yourself. I’m worried for you being here.”
Her words underscored what we all knew: that while my parents had my back, they couldn’t take care of me from day to day. I had to navigate prison alone. For other prisoners, the key to survival was to find someone to bond with, and that person would protect you and guide you through. But there was no one like me, no one I could confide in, no one whom I could trust to take me under her wing…’‘
- According to claims from ex-prisoners, and guards, you survived quite well, never cried, never needed medication, were never depressed
- Also, according to the same sources, you avoided making friends, preferring to enjoy your reading. Comments?
- Did you make any complaints when the U.S. State Department visited you?
[Chapter 16, Page 181] ‘’ ... In spite of all that had happened, I believed that the police, the prosecutor, a judge “”some official””would look at the facts and realize how wrong they’d been. They’d be jolted by the obvious: that I was incapable of murder. Surely someone would see that there was no evidence. My belief that my imprisonment was temporary was all that kept me from being overwhelmed. I guess my faith in eventual justice is what psychologists call a coping mechanism…’‘
- Wrong? You summarized the Matteini Report fairly well, and there is a lot to keep you there.
- So, if someone is ‘‘incapable of murder’‘, do we let her go, all evidence to the contrary?
- Now you say ‘‘surely they would see there is no evidence’‘?
- This is very ‘‘Ted Simon-like’’ Your Honour, there is no evidence, but if there was, she is incapable of murder.
- Faith? More like delusion, or things you mind makes up.
[Chapter 16, Page 182] ‘’ ... In the days after Meredith’s death I’d insisted on staying in Perugia. Back then, going home meant defeat. But my wants flipped with my arrest. Now the only thing that mattered was to reclaim my life in Seattle. I considered what I would do once my ordeal was over””how I’d rebuild myself, whether I’d live with Mom or find a place of my own, whether I’d go back to school or get a job, how much I wanted to reunite with the people I loved…’‘
- Going home meant defeat? How, as in fleeing rather than fooling the police?
- Okay, so since fooling them didn’t work,. now you want to go back to your old life?
- How to rebuild yourself? Well, you’ll probably qualify for social security by the time you get out.
- How to reunite? Here’s a tip: Don’t stab them.
[Chapter 16, Page 182] ‘’ ... A guard gave me an order form for groceries and other basics””ranging from salt to sewing needles””and a libretto, an eight-and-a-half-by-eleven-inch piece of paper folded in half with a handwritten spreadsheet inside to track what I spent. I had two hundred euros””about three hundred dollars””in my prison account from the purse/book bag they’d impounded upon my arrival. The order form was divided into three columns for the name of the item, the code number, and the quantity. Gufa badgered me to buy her a camp stove and a coffeemaker, but I refused to order so much as a carton of milk. I’d be gone before it reached its expiration date…’‘
- Yes, you did have a lot of money on you. Coincidently, Meredith was missing a lot of money.
- Gufa badgered you? Hmm… does she speak English, or are you fluent in Italian yet?
[Chapter 16, Page 183] ‘’ ... Getting me out of jail was the first priority whenever I talked to Carlo and Luciano. Their take was that when the media frenzy died down in a couple of weeks, a judge would probably put me under house arrest, either with my family or in a religious community. Then, when the prosecution saw they had no evidence against me, they would let me go…’‘
- Still no Giancarlo? Hmmmm.
- So, the media attention influences how courts rule? Seems you tried that in the U.S.
- You are charged with sexual assault and murder, and the judge will ‘‘probably put you under house arrest’‘?
- So, you still think that the prosecution is based on nothing? Surely you would scream out to be heard, even in Capanne. Funny, inmates said that you refused to ever talk about Meredith and your case.
[Chapter 16, Page 186] ‘’ ... Early on, I started keeping a journal, which I titled “Il mio diario del prigione”””“My Prison Diary”””on the cover:
My friend was murdered. My roommate, my friend. She was beautiful, smart, fun, and caring and she was murdered. Everyone I know is devastated for her, but we are also all at odds. We are angry. We want justice. But against who? We all want to know, but we all don’t . . .
Now there’s the sound of women wailing through bars and the sounds of wheels of the medicine carts rolling down the hard floors of the echoing halls.’‘
- Your ‘‘friend’’ was murdered? Do you ever mention Meredith by name?
- ’‘She was beautiful, smart, fun, caring’‘? Are you rehashing your November 4th, 2007 mass email?
- “everyone is devastated for her, but we are also at odds? We want justice. But against who?” Probably whoever murdered her.
- “We all want to know, but we all don’t…’’ Well, the murderer(s) probably don’t want that, but everyone else sure does
- Yes, people wailing can be so annoying. Can’t they just get on with their lives?
[Chapter 16, Page 186] ‘’ ... But I spent most of my time sitting on my bed wondering what was happening beyond the sixty-foot-high walls topped with coiled razor wire. What were my parents and family and friends doing and thinking? What was happening with the investigation? How long would it take to examine the forensic evidence that would clear me? ...’‘
- You know, there are many kinds of non-forensic evidence, and they don’t clear you.
- The evidence would clear you? You mean Rudy’s handprint?
[Chapter 16, Page 186] ‘’ ... Underneath every thought there was a bigger, louder one looping through my head. How could I have been so weak when I was interrogated? How did I lose my grip on the truth? Why didn’t I stand up to the police? I’d failed myself, Meredith, Patrick, Raffaele…’‘
- You failed Meredith by betraying her trust as a roommate, then killing her and robbing her.
- You failed Patrick by falsely accusing someone decent enough to give you a job, even without a work visa.
- You failed Raffaele by dragging him into your mess with Meredith, and having him help you out
- You failed yourself by going on a self destructive path of alcohol, drugs and sex, finally murder.
- The police didn’t fail you. All they did was pick up the pieces.
[Chapter 16, Page 192] ‘’ ... But sometimes what I thought was a kind overture would take an ugly turn. I was required to meet with Vice-Comandante Argirò every night at 8 P.M. in his office””the last order before lights out at 9 P.M. I thought he wanted to help me and to understand what had happened at the questura, but almost immediately I saw that he didn’t care.
When I ran into him in the hallway he’d hover over me, his face inches from mine, staring, sneering. “It’s a shame you’re here,” he’d say, “because you are such a pretty girl,” and “Be careful what you eat””you have a nice, hourglass figure, and you don’t want to ruin it like the other people here.”
- This makes for an entertaining read, but did you report it formally? Even after you left prison?
[Chapter 16, Page 193] ‘’ ... At first when he brought up sex I pretended I didn’t understand. “I’m sorry””Mi dispiace,” I’d say, shaking my head. But every night after dinner, I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. I had no choice but to meet with him. After about a week of this behavior, I told my parents what Argirò was saying. My dad said, “Amanda, he shouldn’t be doing that! You’ve got to tell someone!”
- You know, I might be inclined to believe that this happened, making you uncomfortable ....
- If you didn’t write in graphic detail about your ‘‘campaign for casual sex’‘
- If you didn’t write about Meredith’s sex life, and questions about whether she liked anal.
- If you didn’t write in graphic detail about strip searches.
- If you didn’t write about how you thought everyone was coming onto you.
- If you didn’t post your rape story ‘‘Baby Brother’‘.
- It seems you really enjoy writing and taking about sex. Makes me doubt this whole section.
[Chapter 16, Page 194] ‘’ ... Silently, I rehearsed what I would say to him: “These conversations repulse me.” But when we were face-to-face, I balked, settling on something more diplomatic””“Your questions make me uncomfortable,” I said.
“Why?” he asked.I thought, Because you’re an old perv. Instead I said, “I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, but it’s my own business, and I don’t like to talk about it.”
- Really? Amanda, let me introduce you to a book called ‘‘Waiting to be Heard’‘. This woman publishes a memoir about her supposed wrongful imprisonment and conviction in Italy. Rather than provide a clear account of what happened to her roomate, she describes in great detail random encounters with Cristiano (or was it a drug dealer named Frederico)? Mirko, Bobby, and later Raffaele. She also writes (publishes), speculation about the sex lives of the women she lives with. She also goes on about a bunny vibrator she keeps. She also writes in detail about being strip searched.
- And this guy is the creepy perv?
[Chapter 16, Page 194] ‘’ ... Luciano looked revolted, and Carlo urged me, “Anytime Argirò calls you alone into an office, tell him you don’t want to speak with him. He could be talking about sex because Meredith was supposedly the victim of a sexual crime and he wants to see what you’ll say. It could be a trap.”
- Seriously? This type of treatment of a prisoner is illegal (male or female), and regardless of the country.
- Your lawyers, if they knew this was going on, would be legally obligated to report it. Why didn’t they?
- Ghirga and Vedova ‘‘know’’ that you are being preyed on, but don’t make a formal complaint? Or is this like the ‘‘beating’’ from Rita Ficarra, which Ghirga denies ever happened?
[Chapter 16, Page 195] ‘’ ... One night, Argirò asked me if I dreamed about sex, if I fantasized about it.
Finally I got up my courage. I took a deep breath. “For the last time,” I said, my voice pitched, “No! Why are you constantly asking me about sex?”
- Are we sure the roles are not reversed here?
[Chapter 17, Page 197] ‘’ ... Vice-Comandante Argirò broke the news. Instead of his usual greeting””a lecherous smile and a kiss on both cheeks””he stayed seated behind his desk. His cigarette was trailing smoke. His face was somber. Something was wrong….’
- If this were actually true, it would be (yet another) sexual assault, and abuse of power. Did you report it? No? Even tell your lawyers? No?
[Chapter 17, Page 197] ‘’ ... He pushed a printout of an Italian news article toward me. It took me a minute to translate the headline: “Murder Weapon Found””With DNA of Victim and Arrested Suspect Knox.” Beneath was a fuzzy photograph of a kitchen knife and the words “A knife has been found in Sollecito’s apartment with Knox’s DNA on the handle and the victim’s DNA on the blade. Investigators believe it to be the murder weapon.” That doesn’t make sense. I must have read it wrong.
I made myself start over, slowly rereading the story, checking each word as I went. By the end I knew language wasn’t the barrier.
Argirò glared at me cruelly. “Do you have anything to say?” he asked. “It’s impossible!” I blurted. “I didn’t kill Meredith! I’m innocent! I don’t care what the article says! It’s wrong!”
“It’s proof,” Argirò said, smirking. “Your fingerprints. Her DNA.” “I don’t know anything about a knife,” I said. “You can’t prove that I’m guilty when I’m innocent.”
The short conversation ended in a stalemate. I glowered at him. “Why don’t you go back to your cell and think about what you want to say,” Argirò said….’‘
- Wow, you ‘‘barely speak the language’‘, yet you are reading newspaper articles, and answering questions in Italian?
- Um… language was NEVER the barrier, only your lack of humanity.
[Chapter 17, Page 198] ‘’ ... Investigators were claiming that I’d been responsible for holding Meredith down while either Patrick or Raffaele cut her throat, that I’d pressed so hard on Meredith’s face during the attack I’d left an imprint of my fingers on her chin. The police said that because the bruises were small, they’d come from a woman’s fingers, even though that’s not how it works. “It isn’t like a fingerprint,” Carlo explained. “You can’t tell the size of the hand by the size of the bruise. It depends on the circumstances and the pressure.”
- Still waiting for Giancarlo Costa (who was at Knox’s December 17th questioning) to make his entrance.
- Okay, last time I will ask, what language were you and Luciano, and ‘‘Carlo’’ speaking in?
[Chapter 17, Page 198] ‘’ ... This was another example of the prosecution misinterpreting evidence so it would put me at the murder scene and discounting the things that didn’t fit into their explanation. They had done the same thing a few days before, when they circulated the idea that only a woman would have covered Meredith’s ravaged body with a blanket. A few years later I learned that this is something first-time killers also often do. The detectives didn’t mention how improbable it is for a woman to commit a violent crime, especially against another woman. Nor did they acknowledge that I didn’t fit the profile of a violent woman. I’d never been in a gang; I had no history of violence…’‘
- Misinterpreting evidence? You have always said there was no evidence. Which is it?
- So, the prosecutors have this silly notion that a woman might show compassion by covering Meredith? Guess you’ll show them.
- Improbable or not, the police have to go on the evidence, not what bias and ‘‘statistics’’ say. Women do harm other women.
- You don’t have to fit the ‘‘profile’’ to be found guilty if there is evidence.
- You don’t have to be a gangbanger to kill.
- Rock throwing riot aside, you don’t have to have a violent past to kill once.
- Why are you so obsessed with how you appear, and what kind of ‘‘profile’’ you have?
[Chapter 17, Page 199] ‘’ ... In mid-November the press announced that the striped sweater I’d worn the night of the murder was missing, implying I’d gotten rid of it to hide bloodstains. In truth I’d left it on top of my bed when I came home to change on the morning of November 2. The investigators found it in January 2008””in the same spot where I’d taken it off. It was captured in photos taken of my room, which my lawyers saw among the official court documents deposited as the investigation progressed. The prosecution quietly dropped the “missing sweater” as an element in the investigation without correcting the information publicly. Convinced that arguing the case in the media would dilute our credibility in the courtroom, Carlo and Luciano let the original story stand…’‘
- Well, most killers WOULD get rid of blood stained clothing.
- Hmm…. you don’t remember details of that night, but you are certain of the shirt you were wearing?
- Actually, it wasn’t found. The prosecution contends that to this day, the top was never found.
- Carlo and Luciano let it stand in the media? Seems they let it stand in court too.
[Chapter 17, Page 199] ‘’ ... The police leaked this to the local press, and it rippled out from there. If true, it would have contradicted my alibi: I hadn’t left Raffaele’s apartment that night. The local headlines in those days often read “Amanda Smentita”””“Amanda Found in a Lie.” It bolstered the prosecution’s characterization of me as a depraved, deceitful person capable of murder…’‘
- You are deliberately misconstruing what was said.
- Being found in a lie doesn’t mean you are a depraved, deceitful person capable of murder, but it does throw into question other things you have said and lead the police to at least question why you are lying.
- Why do you insist that everyone is trying to portray you as a monster or as depraved? No one did that but you.
[Chapter 17, Page 200] ‘’ ... The press reported police claims that Raffaele and I had destroyed the hard drives on four computers””his, mine, Filomena’s, and Meredith’s. False…’‘
- Okay, humour me, what reason did the police say you did this for? Unless you were emailing murder plans to each other, it could not possibly be related.
[Chapter 17, Page 200] ‘’ ... Later, when a computer expert examined the computers, he discovered that the police had fried the hard drives. Whether it was on purpose or out of extraordinary incompetence, I never learned. But it’s hard to see how they could inadvertently have wiped out four computers, one after the other. My computer wouldn’t have given me an alibi. All investigators would have found was evidence of Meredith’s and my friendship””pictures from the Eurochocolate festival and of our hanging out at home.
Journalists reported that the police had confiscated “incriminating” receipts for bleach, supposedly from the morning of November 2. False…’‘
- So, you suspect the police destroyed exculpatory evidence? Okay.
- Your computer wouldn’t give you an alibi, but Raffaele’s would have. Remember? He told police that you asked him to lie, and he spent time on the computer while you went out.
- And while it wouldn’t give YOU an alibi, would it have given Raffaele?
- Pictures of you and Meredith? Yet, in the photo section you include a press photo of her. You aren’t in any photo with Meredith.
- Seriously? You claim that ‘‘bleach receipts’‘, without any listing of bleach were used as evidence?
[Chapter 17, Page 201] ‘’ ... A knife from Raffaele’s kitchen with DNA from both Meredith and me wasn’t possible. In the week I’d known him, I’d used Raffaele’s chef’s knives to cook with, but we had never taken them out of his kitchen…’‘
- Yet, Raffaele told a story about Meredith coming to his house and cutting her hand while cooking. He later admitted it was made up.
- Raffaele also said (in Honor Bound), that he still had visions of Meredith cutting her hand while cooking at his flat.
- Impossible, why? Bleach does a better job than that?
- They weren’t taken from his kitchen? Was Meredith murdered at Raffaele’s apartment?
[Chapter 17, Page 202] ‘’ ... I couldn’t believe what they were asking me. “No! It’s impossible!” I shrieked, my body starting to shake. “The police have made a mistake. I never left Raffaele’s that night, I never took a knife from his apartment, and Meredith never visited me there. I didn’t have any reason to be angry with Meredith. And even if we’d had a fight I would have talked to her, not killed her!”
- Raffaele originally said you two were at a friend’s party.
- Raffaele said you left his apartment in his November 5, 2007 statement
- Raffaele claimed he was on his computer (alone), while you were out.
- Raffaele refused to confirm you alibi at your 2009 trial.
- Raffaele said you left his apartment in his July 2014 press conference
- Raffaele said on Porta a Porta, February 2015, that you were not with him that night.
- You said that you left Raffaele’s went to meet Patrick, and he killed Meredith.
- You later said that you were at your apartment, Patrick killed Meredith, and Raffaele might be there.
- You later said your mind was making things up, but you think Patrick might have killed Meredith.
- You might have talked in a fight, but what if she caught you stealing her rent money?
- Can’t understand why no one seems to believe you.
[Chapter 17, Page 202] ‘’ ... Investigators apparently had confiscated the knife””a chef’s knife with a black plastic handle and a six-and-a-half-inch blade””when they searched Raffaele’s apartment after our arrest. It was the only knife they considered out of every location they’d impounded, the top knife in a stack of other knives in a drawer that housed the carrot peeler and the salad tongs. I’d probably used it to slice tomatoes when Raffaele and I made dinner the night Meredith was killed.
The officer who confiscated the knife claimed that he’d been drawn to it by “investigative intuition.” It had struck him as suspiciously clean, as though we’d scrubbed it. When he chose it, he didn’t even know the dimensions of Meredith’s stab wounds….’‘
- You are again being disingenuous. The knife from the crime (while soaked in blood), made a very distinctive impression on the bed. Police were looking for a knife that could have left that stain. They knew what they were looking for.
[Chapter 17, Page 203] ‘’ ... The knife was a game changer for my lawyers, who now feared that the prosecution was mishandling evidence and building an unsubstantiated case against me. Carlo and Luciano went from saying that the lack of evidence would prove my innocence to warning me that the prosecution was out to get me, and steeling me for a fight. “There’s no counting on them anymore,” Carlo said. “We’re up against a witch hunt. But it’s going to be okay.”
- You think the police are framing you? Pot, meet kettle.
[Chapter 17, Page 203] ‘’ ... I was choked with fear. The knife was my first inkling that the investigation was not going as I’d expected. I didn’t accept the possibility that the police were biased against me. I believed that the prosecution would eventually figure out that it wasn’t the murder weapon and that I wasn’t the murderer. In retrospect I understand that the police were determined to make the evidence fit their theory of the crime, rather than the other way around, and that theory hinged on my involvement. But something in me refused to see this then…’
- The knife was the first inkling the investigation was not going as you expected? You mean, they should have arrested Rudy by now?
- And the first inkling? Wasn’t being taken to Capanne in handcuffs an earlier inkling?
- The police were not biased against you. You and Raffaele told many lies. You falsely accused an innocent person to divert attention. Forensic evidence is piling up. There is no bias here.
- Police would figure out it wasn’t the murder weapon? Funny, in your May 2014 with Chris Cuomo, you disputed that knife as being the murder weapon. How do you know so much more than the police and the courts? Right, you know which knife you used.
[Chapter 17, Page 203] ‘’ ... My journal must have been what they were looking for, because Meredith’s British girlfriends testified after my arrest that I’d been writing in it in the waiting room at the questura. I had done so to calm myself, but soon the contents were leaked to the press. In it, they found, among other things, my comments about wanting to compose a song in tribute to Meredith. (Ironically, I would later get a bill for the translation of the journal into Italian.) ...’‘
- Yes, after my ‘‘friend’’ is murdered, I feel like writing how I would kill for a pizza too.
- You received a fine after you were convicted, not the same thing.
[Chapter 17, Page 204] ‘’ ... The officer shook his head and laughed derisively. “Another story? Another lie?” he scoffed. He looked at me as if I were the most vile, worthless thing he’d ever laid eyes on. No one had ever stared at me with so much hatred. To him, I was a lying, remorseless murderer. I heaved back great waves of anger but waited to get back to my cell before I broke down at the ugliness of it all””my friend being dead, my being in prison, the police following a cold and irrational trail because they had nothing better…’‘
- You seem to think that everyone has a nasty impression of you. Why exactly?
- Why do you think he made the assumption about you being remorseless?
- The police had nothing better? So they framed you to make their lives easier?
- False alibis, false accusation, inside knowledge of the crime, statements placing you at the scene, DNA evidence ... in a weird way you are right, Amanda, they don’t have anything better on anyone else.
[Chapter 18, Page 205] ‘’ ... My Italian was still elementary enough that if I wasn’t paying close attention, I couldn’t grasp much of what was being said. I embraced my new routine””do as many sit-ups as I could manage, write, read, repeat””as if ignoring the reports would make me immune to them, that they couldn’t hurt me. I convinced myself that whatever awful things the media were saying about me were irrelevant to the case. It doesn’t matter, I told myself. But in my heart I knew it did…’‘
- Your Italian was still elementary enough? Wow, you seem to unlearn it faster than you learn it
[Chapter 18, Page 206] ‘’ ... I felt violated, indignant that journalists could say or imply anything they wanted, that they could use my photo as a symbol of evil. I now understood the belief in some tribal cultures that having your picture taken robs you of your soul….’‘
- You felt violated? I wonder what Meredith felt, or was she already dead?
- You are charged with calunnia, for making false accusations, and you claim the media can say anything? Pot, meet kettle.
- No, they used your actions as a symbol of evil.
- You write a lurid account of your random sex, and you feel violated by the media? Bull$h1t.
[Chapter 18, Page 207] ‘’ ... Overnight my old nickname became my new persona. I was now known to the world as Foxy Knoxy or, in Italian, Volpe Cattiva””literally, “Wicked Fox.” “Foxy Knoxy” was necessary to the prosecution’s case. A regular, friendly, quirky schoolgirl couldn’t have committed these crimes. A wicked fox would be easier to convict.
They were convinced that Meredith had been raped””they’d found her lying on the floor half undressed, a pillow beneath her hips””and that the sexual violence had escalated to homicidal violence.
They theorized that the break-in was faked. To make me someone whom a jury would see as capable of orchestrating the rape and murder of my friend, they had to portray me as a sexually deviant, volatile, hate-filled, amoral, psychopathic killer. So they called me Foxy Knoxy. That innocent nickname summed up all their ideas about me…’‘
- Your nickname is not what convicted you. Mountains of evidence (which you deny exist), are what convicted you.
- Woman, half naked, stabbed to death? Rape and murder is a reasonable suspicion.
- Did you elaborate on WHY the police thought the break in was staged? Nothing taken, no glass outside, no evidence of a climb, glass ON TOP of the ransacked items…
- They don’t have to portray you as anything. They simply presented evidence.
- The prosecution did not try to demonstrate you were amoral and psychopathic, just that you were involved in certain crimes
- They called you ‘‘Foxy Knoxy’‘? That was your MySpace name.
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I doff my cap once again Chimera, loving this series. Great mixture of pithy put downs and factual reasoning.
One thing that’s always bothered me was Meredith’s phones. As far as I’m aware, Knox and Sollecito have to believe that Geude took them from the house, him being the lone wolf and all that.
How then do they explain no Geude fingerprints or DNA on the phones given his apparent penchant for leaving palm, finger and footprints in blood liberally scattered around the place? Are we to believe he was he just especially careful with the phones and ludicrously careless with everything else?
I don’t recall either of them addressing why this supposed drifter and burglar (never convicted of burglary and with his own flat so quite stationary for a drifter really) didn’t just keep the phones and sell them on if he stole them. Then again, he left everything else of value after his Spider-Man break in where he managed to leave zero traces on the wall he climbed or in the dirt below the window. And a break in during which he managed to be so fast that he’d flown through the broken window and ransacked the room before the glass even hit the floor. He expertly managed to avoid leaving his DNA in Filomena’s room too. Strange Knox doesn’t address that either given her own obsession with the lack of her DNA in the murder room.
So there we have it. Knox expects us to believe that this man who was so callous that he went to a nightclub and danced the night away after the murder, didn’t even take anything of value from the house which was after all his primary purpose for being there. Except for two mobile phones which he apparently stole for frisbee practice. After first snapping on some gloves before he picked them up in the cottage to avoid leaving any trace of himself on them. Him being so careful about leaving traces, of course.
And Knox wonders why people don’t believe her! She is an emotionally retarded woman child. Irredeemable in every facet of her (lack of) character. Occam would choke on his own razor, he really would.
@ davidmulhern
Quote: ‘...he left everything else of value after his Spider-Man break in where he managed to leave zero traces on the wall he climbed or in the dirt below the window. And a break in during which he managed to be so fast that he’d flown through the broken window and ransacked the room before the glass even hit the floor.”
I still find it astonishing that Knox promulgates the lone wolf theory and is credulous to the sheer impossibility of it. I would love to see her interviewed and questioned on just how stupid the lone wolf/break in theory is. I’m sure her frankly awful creative writing mind could come up with something suitably childlike to explain it all away.
I could see her explaining that Geude is like Hiro from Heroes and can stop time whilst he’s about his business. That would explain Meredith’s lack of defensive injuries and the glass on top of the ransacked clothes. I can imagine the terminally stupid Michele Moore tweeting “dang Amanda, it all seems soobvious now. You go girl!” in response to such a theory from her heroine.
I apologise if I seem increasingly flippant, I mean no offence to anyone. Trying to reason with Knox followers is impossible though; ridicule seems like the only option.
I don’t get the striped sweater business.
“In mid-November the press announced that the striped sweater I’d worn the night of the murder was missing, implying I’d gotten rid of it to hide bloodstains. In truth I’d left it on top of my bed when I came home to change on the morning of November 2. The investigators found it in January 2008—in the same spot where I’d taken it off. It was captured in photos taken of my room, which my lawyers saw among the official court documents deposited as the investigation progressed.”
What striped sweater? The one you had left on your bed on the 2nd November? But there was no striped sweater on the bed that I can see from the photos taken over the 2nd/3rd? But then it appears “in the same spot” in January 2008? Huh?
What I do see on the bed are the blue jeans, and grey jacket that Quintavalle says you were wearing at his store at 7.45 am on the morning of the 2nd. Also a scarf which he also mentioned. Although he mistakenly thought the scarf was blue he could have got the colour confused with what looks like a blue denim shirt that you took off and left on the bed. Maybe you had the collar up.
Anyway, so you were wearing a striped sweater the night of the murder? That seems to be what you are acknowledging. Or is the compulsion to lie so great that you just don’t see the problem?
These photos of yourself with Meredith. Uploaded onto your computer. Just the sort of thing that you’d want to send to Mum to show how happy you were in Perugia. So why doesn’t she produce them?
Or was your computer already broken?
Was that why you always used the internet café?
What happened to the camera? Whose was it? Had the images been deleted from it?
“In it, they found, among other things, my comments about wanting to compose a song in tribute to Meredith.”
Guess you still had the lyrics to the Nirvana songs still circulating in you head. You know, the ones you had been listening to at 5.30 am earlier on.
Who the heck wants to compose a tribute song but then can’t be bothered to go the vigil for her murdered “friend”?
The note was, of course, for Sollecito’s eyes only. It was sarcasm.
Incidentally, high time that Somealibi’s analysis on the music was posted here, and I hope he doesn’t mind.
I have left out the first bit of music from The Fight Club because that has already been mentioned here.
“So what happens next? 4 tracks from Nirvana (of 6 overall). Nirvana are of course from… Seattle… home town of our favourite murderess. Do we really think Nirvana is uptight Raffy’s choice despite it being his laptop? I would suggest the odds are distinctly *Not*. I happened to be a very big Nirvana fan so the things that hit me instantly:
1. The tracks are not sequenced from the album Nevermind. They are in a custom playlist or are being sequenced live by a user. They cannot be random in a playlist because we get 6 Nirvana tracks in a row.
2. Breed (the first Nirvana track) was something that some friends and I used to use as “psyche up” music before playing sport. The track is aggressively snotty and in your face and starts with Kurt Cobain saying “I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care”. If you are a Nirvana fan *you know this*. Why is Breed first? Second chill of the evening for me. I had always thought the playlist would be distracting relaxing music to try to calm themselves down. The first four Nirvana tracks and particularly this paint a very dark and different picture of AK being still revved up on adrenaline and I believe coke and alcohol and still being angry…
3. 4 Nirvana tracks are played in full pretty much. Looking at the time of track versus the time between tracks one can say Nirvana was hitting the spot here. I am a rocker but I can tell you I have never decided to wake up at 5:45am and start playing Nirvana as my wake up music! What is interesting is that something then evidently goes very wrong for whoever is in control of the playlist…
4. After full plays for all the songs, we get to Lithium by Nirvana. Its chorus lyrics are frequently repeated and finish the song two times round with this:
I like it - I’m not gonna crack
I miss you - I’m not gonna crack
I love you - I’m not gonna crack
I killed you - I’m not gonna crack
the very last line of the song is “I killed you - I’m not gonna crack” and then, we can see from the timings that there is a mismatch. Five minutes pass with no music being played at all. What was happening then? Is it a coincidence that those closing lyrics precede a total cessation of music for five minutes?? I think the change in the behaviour that follows after the five minute break suggests that whoever was running the music fundamentally and significantly shifted mood in those five minutes. Of the next eight tracks, seven are actively skipped over or stopped earlier by whoever it is who is controlling the laptop. It seems to me that something significant happened in those five minutes. I will posit the theory that those five minutes were occupied with an argument between Amanda and Raffaele about what to do next and the laptop user become irritated / worried about the situation and repeatedly nixes the next tracks as “not right”...
5. The most obvious thing to a Nirvana fan is that the next track Polly is skipped over immediately as the user returns to the laptop and sees what track is next on the playlist. They don’t start it. They skip it right there and then. And if you’re a Nirvana fan, you know that Polly is a song about a 14 year old girl who was tortured and raped by a serial rapist and probable serial murderer Gerald Arthur Friend. Is it coincidence that whoever sat at the latop saw iTunes ready to play that and *instantly* hit next track?????? This creeped me out a huge amount. See the pyscho chord motif in Stealing Fat above - it was far too close to home…
6. Feel good smash Smells Like Teen Spirit gets 15 seconds. Once the power chords come out they don’t chime with the vibe (post argument?) and they are off’ed too.
7. Of the eight songs played between Polly and Sleeping Awake, only *1* song get a full play time. The user at the laptop is repeatedly hitting skip or stopping tracks early. The idea that Raffaele or Amanda couldn’t remember this in their initial interviews or testimony but said they were asleep is just *bollocks*.”
Hi David, glad you like the series. There are several more posts coming up, but this will likely be postponed until after the calunnia #2 trial, which picks up next week.
I am beginning to wonder: not only did no one at HarperCollins do any ‘‘due diligence’’ on this $3.8 million purchase, it seems doubtful that anyone actually ‘‘read’’ the book. Before or after it was published. The writing quality is very poor, and it sounds like an angry 12 year old girl who just doesn’t listen to anyone, and has vast troubles keeping her stories straight. And there was a ghostwriter?
The sarcasm levels are okay with you? Great.
So Guede is ‘‘Neo’’ from the Matrix. That explains how he broke the window, and ransacked the room before the glass hit the floor. Also, I think the police forgot to check the ceiling for hand/footprints. Remember, in the cartoons Spider-Man frequently comes in via the ceilings. Since Spider-Man (in the cartoons), frequently mutates, he might have had 6 arms that night, which would explain the lack of defensive wounds on Meredith
In a similar vein, remember Knox claims he used to deal drugs to the men downstairs. She also claims the guys downstairs were growing drugs (so I’m not sure why they have to purchase). Anyway, perhaps Guede’s plan was to go into the 2nd story window, drop onto the first floor via some imaginary air duct, steal the drugs, and get out via the 2nd floor. And those phones weren’t stolen for ‘‘frisbee practice’‘, Guede wanted to learn the boomerang. I guess flip-phones work the best .... ?
And of course, Guede chooses Filomena’s room to break in, which faced the front of the house. Hahaha, those stupid cops will wonder if someone ‘‘staged’’ the burglary.
Guede, being the diabolical evil genius, chose a house who had a resident (Knox), who was so scatter-brained she would be a perfect patsy. As a bonus, she had a boyfriend who suffered some selective memory love (Sollecito), and an employer who would be great for the perp-walk (Lumumba). What perfect fall guys.
Now, if only the evil genius Guede had enough sense not to leave his traces everywhere ....
The ‘‘Lone-Wolf Theory’’ makes perfect sense if you think creatively enough.
Your mentioning of Mrs Moore made me think of her husband’s (Steve Moore) absurd claims over the years. Some of his blatant lies can still be viewed on the Knox supporter website- Injustice Anywhere. I have always wondered why Moore was/is willing to humiliate himself, it can only be for money?
Former FBI Agent, Dan Vogel, wrote an article titled “Crime Scene Staging: The FBI, and the Wrongful Death Expert Witness”. In the article Mr Vogel listed 8 red flags taken from the The FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Crime Classification Manual (CCM). When looking through the 8 red flags I find myself being able to put a tick next to at least 6 of the 8, possibly 7:
1. Items missing from the crime scene to make burglary appear to be the motive.
2. A point of entry that does not seem logical.
3. Alteration of the crime scene to make it appear to be a sexual assault.
4. A crime that poses a high risk to the offender.
5. A fatal assault of the wife or children, but the husband is unharmed and/or has minor injuries.
6. The offender arranges a third party discovery of the victim and he/she is at another location when the body is found.
7 Indications of remorse for the victim by covering her/him with a blanket or placing an item over the victims face.
8. Forensic findings inconsistent with what appears to have happened.
Mr Vogels article can be found at:
The FBI and experienced investigators around the world use these red flags from the CCM, along with others, to determine if a crime scene has been staged. Steve Moore uses his wife (who has publicly acknowledged being medicated with powerful antidepressants & sleeping tablets) telling him she has a hunch.
I’ve got to agree with you Sarah. Dan Vogel’s reg flags are waving wildly in the wind for anyone with eyes to see.
Steve Moore is a strange little creature. If you watch his performances on YouTube, you see a man extremely uncomfortable in front of camera. And probably just as uncomfortable in his own skin. He stutters and stammers when trying to spout his nonsense. It’s almost as if he knows he’s lying but he could well just be too thick to see the truth so he may believe his own rubbish after all.
What is clear is that he has a very creepy crush on his favourite murderess. I think a lot of Knox’s middle aged fans have a similar crush. My guess is that they know she isn’t fussy when it comes to who she gives herself to so they probably think they have a chance one day. All very seedy if you ask me.
@James Raper. Devastating truth you uncover in the music the two liars played after their murderous power trip. Nirvana the album “Nevermind”, (as in Nevermind about Meredith and what we did to her?).
But the song, “Polly”, based on the torture and rape of a young girl in Knox’s home state of Washington back in 1987 is eerie. That crime was done by a man literally named “Friend”. Seems Meredith’s fate was a false friend also. 1987 is the year Amanda Knox was born. The man who wrote these songs, Kurt Cobain, also met a violent death.
Your analysis of the skip-overs and the five minutes after Lithium ends with a lyric that says: I killed you…there’s devastating truth in this assessment. If Colin plays this music for Amanda, he will see her react.
Music means a lot to Amanda, she dates musicians, goes to concerts where she met Raffaele, bugged friends with her guitar and wanted to write a song tribute to Meredith, then mentions killing and pizza.
Music is very important to her and the fact that music played in the morning hours right after Meredith died, music from Fight Club and Nevermind…music she and Raffaele deny, it’s a clue hiding in plain sight.
I agree wholeheartedly with Hopeful re James Raper’s music analysis. A clue hiding in plain sight is spot on. If you watch her screech her way through Zombie in that New York karaoke bar, you can see her lose herself during the chorus as she spits the words out with some venom. I’ll wager she was transported back to the cottage in Perugia in her head when she was singing. It seemed like anger directed towards Meredith who she was simultaneously mocking.
I appreciate I’m projecting and perhaps her empty head was elsewhere altogether but knowing what we know of her character, I feel sure my projections aren’t too wide of the mark. If she hasn’t confided in anyone that she did the crime yet, it’s only a matter of time. I think she’s pathologically incapable of keeping it to herself. She may well only do it when she’s confident she’s truly beyond the reach of the law.
@ David Mulhern, I agree that Knox is very likely to spill her guts. She loves drugs and booze too much to have given them up and it’s impossible for her family to babysit her for the rest of her life, so it’s a big possibility that she will forget herself and say too much. Also, what joy she would get from reliving her attack on Meredith! Her hatred for Meredith is just as alive today as it ever was as is the enormous high she got from the murder.
@David, @MHILL4, Knox has already been letting the details ‘‘drip out’’ for years now.
(1) Knox and Sollecito knew ‘‘nothing had been taken’‘, although they try to backtrack on the wording of what they said.
(2) Knox knew Meredith screamed, confirmed by Guede and Nina Capezzali.
(3) Knox knew before the police that Meredith had been moved.
(4) Knox knew that Meredith had her throat cut prior to the autopsy.
(5) On a similar note, Knox knew there were multiple attackers. She called them ‘‘those fucking bastards’‘.
(6) Knox knew the mess in the toilet was Guede’s. There is no other reason for calling attention to it repeatedly, rather than flushing.
(7) Though claiming not to know Guede, Knox (and her parents), let it drop that they do know each other.
(8) Knox knew the big knife had been used, so she invents the story about Raffaele ‘‘planting her fingerprints’‘.
(9) May 2014 interview with Chris Cuomo, she ‘‘corrects’’ him on which knife was the murder weapon.
(10) Though claiming memory loss on many things, Knox knew in great detail what the evidence was against Guede. She goes on and on about it.
And this is just what she says in public. Can only imagine what she says in private ....
@ Chimera, too true and how sad it is that all of the truths you have taken the time to point out have fallen on some deaf Italian ears!
What’s creepy about the Zombie karaoke is AK had obviously rehearsed it in her bedroom mirror, to the extent of copying the Cranberries front lady’s movements (kicking up back foot).
Thank you for another great post, Chimera, and others for commenting. Reading them makes me feel better—people not willing to let let things slide even though those two are “free.”
Great posts Chimera, well done. You deserve no less.
I’m reading the Knox’s book (ehm, I’m late…just chapter 7): yours analysis are very precious, and there’s also a good sense of humor especially about “signorina” Amanda’s sexsual experiences….
I’ve just a doubt on your observation about Chapter 6 page 70:
In the first trial, Sollecito’ lawyers claim that Postal Police arrived after half hour ( not 12:35pm),so after her two phone calls: the first at 12:51pm and the second at 12:54.
Is it true? Can you (or anyone else here) make clear this my doubt, please?
All the best
Thank you Albi,
Since the Postal Police arrived 15-20 minutes before the regulars (responding to a ‘‘break in’‘) it posed a problem for AK and RS. They had claimed to have reported the break in already
(1) They tried claiming that it took the police a really long time to respond to the break in—although they had checked in 5 minutes after the call was made to report they had arrived. The phone record (and recording of Sollecito saying nothing had been taken), were hard to disprove.
(2) They also tried to claim the Postal Police had their times wrong as to when they arrived. As you say, arriving much later than they really did.
So, AK/RS did try to play both ends, (1) and (2) but it didn’t work in the end.
More to come on the book, (5-6 more posts). The review is painful to do, but am trying to make it ‘‘somewhat’’ enjoyable for readers.
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