Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Hanover-Area Search: Possible Major Advance In Germany’s McCann-Brueckner Investigation
Posted by The Machine
More breaking-news reports here and here.
Judging from the scale of the operation - 100 police officers, including forensic police, sniffer dogs and observation technology - it seems the German prosecutors are acting on specific information and are looking for Madeleine’s remains.
Julia Meyer from the prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig confirmed the search is being carried out in connection with the BKA’s investigation into the Madeleine McCann case:
“I can confirm that the search is being carried out in connection with our investigations into the Maddie case.”
Good work Machine. News is about to break in the Ghislaine Maxwell case too.
Maddie’s sweet child face and innocence of a 3-year-old won the whole world to her sympathy. Always in our hearts the same lovely little soul. It must be dreadful to lose a tiny trusting child.
I’ve read Birth Order books that say the firstborn child in any family is “the beginning of our strength” as parents. They have a mantle of special leadership.
The German police are leaving no stone unturned in digging for Brueckner’s secrets. May they find absolute proof of his hand in Maddie’s death IF he did kill her. If he did, he has lived too long already and I hope he fries.
If he didn’t, may the German police or ANYBODY please find the real culprit. This has gone on too long.
Saturday today. The German police continue to be busy (and commendably impassive)(or irritatingly so!) searching sites where Brueckner dug cellars, perhaps with a nefarious purpose, years ago.
Brueckner’s legal team are also busy, trying to get him out on parole. They are appealing to the Kiel court now as he had a conviction at the Braunschweig court. Court shopping? That seems slightly weird.
According to Brueckner’s lawyer he is “considered innocent” until all appeals are done - maybe he said “not convicted” and it was translated wrong. If so, that’s as in Italy.
Here’s a link that uses a Google News trick which always shows the latest news reports first.
Meanwhile, here on the left side of the Atlantic, Ghislaine Maxwell’s is the main case in the crime news.
A major release of documents from a 2016 civil case that just happened, despite Ghislian’s attempt to block it, seems to contain evidence that she really was present, undressed, when Epstein was exploiting the girls.
Again, this is a link to Google News which always opens with the latest media reports at the top.
The next post may be on a new evidence point, the Wiki team are right now checking images and documents.
And we are not done with Malcolm Gladwell’s publishers or Netflix, both of which we intend to challenge very publicly. If they cave, the media will have a field-day.
Several readers have told us that, encouraged by for example the finds of James Raper (Knox’s lamp) and The Machine (DNA traces), they too are taking close looks at the myriad crime-scene images and (if they can read Italian) all the recently loaded new documents which themselves have many images.
You might like to do the same here: http://themurderofmeredithkercher.net
One of the final tasks ahead of us to link many of the posts here to the Wiki. TJMK possibly exceeds in size all of the books on the case combined, and the WIKI is substantially larger.
The prosecution has referred to the evidence collection as exceeding 10,000 pages (40-50 paperbacks). That was no exaggeration!
This website is a sea of truth. It has sunk the lies of Amanda Knox like a tsunami. Year after year.
Breaking news in the Epstein-Maxwell case. “Epstein’s victims get second chance at justice against sex offender in appeals court”
The young victims of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein will get a second chance at seeking justice after an entire appellate court agreed Friday to rehear claims that federal prosecutors in South Florida violated their rights when they kept them in the dark about a secret plea deal with the now-deceased Palm Beach multimillionaire.
The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a previous panel’s 2-1 decision that rejected a petition by one of Epstein’s victims. She sought to undo the agreement that federal prosecutors struck with Epstein not to charge him with trafficking girls for his own sexual pleasure more than a decade ago.
A majority of the appeals court in Atlanta voted to rehear the appeal, setting the stage for a possible solution for potentially dozens of victims in the ground-breaking Epstein case. Despite its ruling in April, the three-judge panel had called the South Florida prosecutors’ deal with Epstein “beyond scandalous” and a “national disgrace.”...
The three judges narrowly rejected Courtney Wild’s petition to compel federal prosecutors in South Florida to charge Epstein on the grounds that the feds violated Wild’s and other victims’ rights when they cut a secret deal with him behind their backs. Instead, prosecutors allowed Epstein to plead guilty to lenient solicitation charges in state court in Palm Beach County.
“I had confidence this day would come,” Wild said in a statement through her lawyers. “We have fought for 12 years, and as I’ve said before, no matter how many obstacles pile up, we will never give up fighting for what is right.”
The report explains that the previous appeal court voted 2-1 against the victim’s plea and that the 1 judge strongly dissented, and argued that the other 2 didn’t understand the law.
This is figuratively a gun at Maxwell’s head now. Between this and a real fear of getting murdered she cannot be getting much sleep.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Being Careful & Precise About The New Standing Of The Madeleine McCann Case
Or to previous entry Madeleine McCann Case: Three-Way Warring Justice Systems