Walled City North: Third Way Down To Meredith’s House

Again, we are looking north toward the girls’ house from the Corso Vanucci - looking slightly uphill, in fact, for this is the highest area of all in the Walled City.

Seemingly deserted, here in the first shot, but at night the area lights up as there are quite a few pizzeria restaurants up there. From the Via Del Sol - actually, from the Via Delle Prome, which it becomes - a VERY long stretch of stairs heads down. They wind around, in s-curve fashion, and at bottom they connect up with the street and the steps in the previous two posts.

A very tough climb up, from the girls’ house. But a very nice walk down and, day or night, with a TERRIFIC view.

The shot above was first posted with this explanation:

In late July, Perugia was relatively quiet. But summer courses continued, and students were still in town.

Nationalities? Many Italians of course. But many others too. Especially American, British, and Chinese.

A clear majority of them at the time were women.

One of the exercises became how to take photographs without including a 20-year-old in almost every shot.

This shot is an exception. The girl was reading under a street light at sunset - and she never ever looked up.

Safe and relaxed there.

Perhaps 300 feet down, and 300 yards to the right, almost in the shot, is the former home of Meredith Kercher.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 02/01/11 at 09:20 AM in 17 Walled City NorthSub Piazza 1

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