CPJ Talks As If Franks Blog Had A Core Audience Of Millions, While It Was Really One Or Two Dozen
This may be the REAL shock of Perugia Shock: most of its tiny core readership could probably fit in a Volkswagen bug.
The muddled Committee to Protect Journalists has been making out like Frank’s blog is a really, really, really big deal. Tens of thousands of Italians, Americans and Brits all hanging on his every mighty word.
Think again CPJ. For three years Perugia Shock had been a steadily failing blog. In early 2009 after Frank had abandoned the real victim, Meredith, and began to slobber eerily over Amanda Knox, his readership really began to plummet. Here is our report from May 2009.
According to the webtracker Alexa, readers have been departing Perugia-Shock in droves. Just a couple of months ago, Perugia-Shock was about the 4 millionth site in readership in the world….
It has since dropped an astounding 1.5 million places, and its three month average is now 5,492,938 in the world. (For comparison, TJMK’s three-month average is 1,953,715 place - and TJMK is less than half as old.)
Many vanity websites run by school-kids in the evenings see bigger numbers than Perugia-Shock. Many bloggers simply give up and go quiet when their numbers become so abysmally bad.
After that TJMK and PMF both broke into the top 100,000 (something the Knox cult sites have never come close to) while Frank’s blog dropped even further, to below 6 and 7 and even 8 millionth in readership in the world.
It has very rarely broken above 5 million since. Just a couple of months ago, way down below 5 millionth in readership is where it still was.
Now Perugia Shock is back in the top million. (TJMK today is at 421,738.) Gee thanks Committee for the Protection of Journalists. Just another example of the way you have been used.
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The site of the phony PR creation “Bruce Fisher” run out of David Marriott’s office has also had terrible reader statistics and also became rather desperately attention seeking. It seems hard for the Knox PR hacks and conspiracists to legitimately assemble a big crowd.
This is a very important trend you show Peter. However the interest will again wane due to the casual curious person will move to something current…i.e.Casey Anthony trial. This recent spike due to the cpj’s interference is only temporary. The ps website’s trend longterm is obviously spiralling downward toward living world war 1 veterens numbers. Keep up the good work sir and to wonderful researchers like Kermit who obviously will never let the killers and their minions lie their way to freedom. Thank you
Peter & Kermit, you guys are doing great reporting on this sub-topic of the case!!
I think the whole episode with this blog site is a reminder not to defame a prosecutor (or anyone else), as if that weren’t obvious!
This whole story reads like a sub plot to a screenplay written by Douglas Preston and sold to Tom Cruise or George Clooney (I don’t know if they are going to play Sollecito, Sforza, or Preston:) ?
But here’s a similar case of a UK blog taken down for defamatory comments by free site hoster WordPress
One wonders, since “Frank’s” site is now being hosted by Word Press, whether he’ll be getting the old heave ho there soon?
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