Knox’s Modena Catastrophe: Explaining Her Very Telling Non-Mention Of Sollecito

Knox in 2009 seeking to warm up a cold-shouldering Sollecito; see Part 4

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1. Negative Swing In Italian Public Opinion

Reports we are getting suggest that Knox herself has turned more millions against her.

Not surprising. We need to understand (as Knox “forgets”) how almost all informed Italians back in trial and appeal days developed their knowledge of the case and their takes on Knox.

It was not from a demonizing media (there actually was none, as we’ll explain in another post) or self-serving police and prosecutors (there were also none as we’ll explain).

It was in fact from LIVE TV and COURT DOCUMENTS ONLINE.

Most of the 2009 trial and 2011 and 2013 appeals were beamed to all Italy live with no simultaneous commentary. If you live in the United States, the experience was identical to C-Span.

Despite extensive training to in part make her hate Dr Mignini (really), as even described in her book, Knox still came across appallingly.

At trial (before she was remodeled) Knox was already a known junkie, and she was seen acting cuckoo in the courtroom, desperately trying to warm up Sollecito, rising to defend the display of her vibrator when just minutes before there was damning testimony she could have challenged.

She came across in July 2009 on the witness stand for two days as arrogant, callous, inconsistent, dishonest, and demonizing.

It’s hard to think of any UK or US parallel to that last one. A real disaster. It led directly to every court from then on (including the Supreme Court twice) ratifying her guilty verdict for framing Patrick, starting with a unanimous trial jury (they dont have to be unanimous in Italy so Knox persuaded none of them).

So Knox quite rightly served three years in prison, and was fined E100,000 in damages to Patrick (unpaid) for that felony. 

Who molded the narrative from the prosecution side? Nobody. The main prosecutor, Dr Mignini, was famous for saying nothing, whether surrounded by microphones or emailed for comments. But he really did not need to. The TV cameras and documents were doing a fine job without him.

Who else might gain by falsely representing Knox? Really only those mafia poodles in the Knox camp, and their massive effort was in the other direction: to sanctify her and bring Italian justice to its knees.

So what did Italy just see in Modena? Another attempt (remarkably on failed July 2009 lines) to persuade Italians not to believe their lying eyes, and instead to buy her snake-oil.

2. The Dog That Didn’t Bark

This was perhaps the most famous phrase ever uttered by the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.

He had nailed a murderer because of something that DIDN’T happen - a dog didn’t bark and so the dog knew the murderer. Elementary, my dear Watson.

This case is riddled with dogs-that-didnt-bark examples.

It was the core modus operandi of the scorched-earth public relations campaign run by Curt Knox and David Marriott. Ignore the damning 95 percent of the facts that can’t easily be explained away. Instead concentrate on misrepresenting the other 5 percent.

Given what we explained about live TV and documents in the first part, this would not have worked at all in Italy.

But it was never meant to. It was not beamed at Italy - it was beamed at British and Americans who (1) could not observe Knox for days and days on TV and (2) could not read court documents readily available online in Italian. Then hopefully they would react politically, as in the US they did of course.

We will be posting numerous dogs-that-didnt-bark examples. One was posted just a few days ago: Knox was not exonerated. Don’t hold your breath - you will not hear that from Knox’s lips any time soon.

Now here’s the damning new one. The dog that did not bark in Modena.

3. Sollecito’s Non-Mention In Modena

Knox’s speech was all about the tribulations of herself and Sollecito, right?

Oh, no, of course. It wasn’t. Sollecito barely got a single mention. She tiptoed past that one. Effectively he was made a non-person.  And to make sure he stayed a non-person he was not even invited. In fact he has been publicly complaining about it so Knox will presumably try damage control.

So WHY did Knox and her increasingly ghoulish enabling mother Edda really not want the looming presence of Sollecito?

We can think of three quite valid and fact-based reasons.

    Reason 1. Knox’s speech makes not the slightest sense in light of the fact that Sollecito throughout was treated absolutely identically, and in the Perugia and Florence courts was awarded almost identical sentences.

    Read all the daily court reports here, and all the evidence and sentencing documents on the Wiki, and you will see not a millimeter of daylight between the take on Knox and the take on Sollecito. Sollecito is not a woman? That did not matter. Sollecito is not an American? That did not matter. Sollecito behaved himself in court? That did not matter.

    Sollecito is the son of a quite rich and quite powerful father with extensive political connections in Rome? No, rather amazingly, even that did not matter. 

    Reason 2. Sollecito’s family is quite publicly known to be connected to the mafias, no surprise there. His uncle at the time was possibly the most powerful mafioso in the world, having shot his way to the top of the (then) huge Canadian mafia working out of Montreal.

    Italian media reported on Sollecito’s trip (which he really tried to keep secret) to huddle with that uncle in the Dominican Republic - right in the middle of the Nencini appeal where his chances were looking downright negative.

    Thereafter a number of things happening, including an ebullient Sollecito and Bongiorno through 2014, the mystery referral of the final appeal to the FIFTH Chambers of the Supreme Court (the minor domestic crimes chamber), and an outcome which clearly broke Italian law by among other things not referring questions of evidence back down to the Nencini court.

    Does Knox really want the public spotlight to be on this? Surely not.

    Reason 3. From the day he was arrested in November 2007 to March 2015 when the Fifth Chambers ended all proceedings, Sollecito pretty well always gave Knox the cold shoulder. In recent years the atmosphere between them has almost always remained fraught.

    This started on the very night they were arrested, when Sollecito destroyed Knox’s latest alibi (that she was with him at home on the night) and only two days later wrote: “I never want to see Amanda again. Above all, it is her fault we are here.”

    That was the firm position of himself and his family and lawyers for years: without actually confessing to the crime, that Knox had dropped him in it. Never once in all those years did Sollecito say or do anything to back up Knox’s final alibi, though she pleaded again and again that he do. In court throughout, he silently hung her out to dry. 

    Once or twice they met briefly after their release, and then one or other showed some warmth, but mostly they were hammers-and-tongs at one another full-time.

Did all Italy observe this? Of course they did. The nation-wide take? Knox was the Meredith-hater, the attack instigator, and the wielder of the knife that killed Meredith, to the sustained shock of Sollecito and Guede who never signed up for this. 

Reason 3 was surely Knox’s greatest threat in going to Modena, because it so blatantly points to her guilt.

4. Instances Sollecito Brushed Knox Off

Here is the SHORT VERSION of instances of the Knox v. Sollecito blame-game.

1. The year 2007

Our emerging Interrogation Hoax series quotes multiple witnesses testifying how quickly and decisively Knox and Sollecito got off to a fast start in dropping the other in the drink. Too many posts of relevance to include all here, but see this.

From 6 November 2007 Knox and Sollecito were kept separated, and were not allowed to talk. (That continued to late 2011.) Sollecito was pretty easy to read: he had little interest in talk. A sulky silence was his norm.

1 Click for Post:  Officer Moscatelli’s Recap/Summary Session With Sollecito 5-6 No

On 6 November Sollecito’s statement to Inspectors Moscatelli and Napoleoni included this about Knox :

I know Amanda for two weeks. From the evening I first met her she started sleeping at my house.

The first of November I woke up about 11.00, I had breakfast with Amanda, then she went out and I went back to bed. I then met up with her at her house around 13.00-14.00. In there was Meredith who left in a hurry about 16.00 without saying where she was going.

Amanda and I went to the [town] centre about 18.00 but I don’t remember what we did. We remained in the centre till 20.30 or 21.00.

I went to my house alone at 21.00, while Amanda said that she was going to the pub Le Chic because she wanted to meet with her friends.

At this point we said goodbye. I went home, I made a joint. Had dinner, but I don’t remember what I ate. About 23.00 my father called me on my house phone line.

I recall Amanda was not back yet.

I web surfed on the computer for two more hours after my father’s phone call and I only stopped when Amanda came back in, presumably about 01.00…

In my previous statement I told a load of rubbish because Amanda had convinced me of her version of the facts and I didn’t think about the inconsistencies.

Yikes. Knox finds her best alibi yanked.

2 Click for Post:  Summarised AK And RS Signed Statements 2-5 November 2007 

Not so long after, possibly knowing about this, Knox comes out with a statement which points at Sollecito in turn.

I don’t know for sure if Raffaele was there that night [during the attack on Meredith] but I do remember very well waking up at my boyfriend’s house, in his bed, and I went back to my house in the morning where I found the door open.

3. [Source to come] Then on 8 November 2007 Sollecito submitted a statement to Judge Matteini which began:

I never want to see Amanda again. Above all, it is her fault we are here.

4. [Source to come] There were multiple further instances throughout the rest of 2007, quotes of which will be included soon in the Knox Interrogation Hoax series.

2. The Year 2008

5. [Source to come] Knox and Sollecito each appealed Judge Matteini’s ruling to the Supreme Court. Neither helped the other at all. Both appeals failed in April and they were each kept locked up.

6. Click for Post: Sollecito Turns On Knox? This Is Extraordinary”¦

In October toward the end of Guede’s trial and RS’s and AK’s remand for trial Sollecito’s DNA expert testifies to Judge Micheli that he found Knox’s DNA on Meredith’s bra and bra-clasp.

7. Click for Post:  Sollecito Family Trial: On The Component About Their Alleged Attempt At Political Interference

Francesco Sollecito phone conversation in March 2008 with Vanessa captured by the Carabinieri in which he shows his extreme distrust and dislike of Knox who he blames for RS’s plight.

3. The Year 2009

8. Click for Post  The Letters Between The Women’s And Men’s Wings In Capanne

Letters sent from Knox to Sollecito in February are published, showing an eagerness to get together, suggesting she really needs Sollecito to speak up and confirm her latest alibi.

9. Click for Post  Trial: Defendant Noticeably Bubblier Than Meredith’s Sad Friends

This kind of callous, flippant behavior by Knox had the entire court backed off, not least the Sollecito team which had no desire to be chained to this seeming dangerous nut.

10. Click for Post  Sollecito Not To Be Trumped By Knox Antics In The Female Wing Of Capanne

While RS and AK didnt have access to one another they sure had access to the media and in the Italian media a competitive Sollecito posted a steady stream of stories

11. Click for Post  Trial: Knox Claimed Not To Have Been At The House On The Night

Knox suddenly claims this, despite contrary 2007 claims by both Knox & Sollecito, which messes with Sollecito’s alibi that he was at home alone on the computer.

12. Click for Post  Seems Sollecito Is Feeling Really Sorry - For Himself (So What’s New?)

Sollecito tries to give himself an edge over AK by being extra-whiny about how awful he finds prison, and the distasteful little people he was being made to mix with.

4. The Year 2010

13 Click for Post  How Each of The Three Subtly But Surely Pushed The Other Two Closer to The Fire

The Knox team avoided this popular Porta a Porta TV series, maybe too scared of hard questions, while the Sollecito lawyers and family used it to promote suspicion of AK and Guede.

14. Click for Post  Newsweek Report From Italy On Damage Shrill Campaign Is Doing To Knox’s Interests & America’s Image

The shrill Knox campaign was irritating Italians and so hurting Sollecito’s image and prospects and it was not shoring up his own story. Bongiorno especially disliked the campaign. 

15. Click for Post  Rocco Girlanda’s Strutting Manic Grinning Intrusion Seems A Major Danger To Sollecito/Knox Harmony

The strangely kinky Member of Parliament (now voted out) paid numerous visits to Knox (“monitoring conditions”) and tried some nasty (though ineffective) political tricks - but not for Sollecito.

16. Click for Post  The Knox Movie: Sollecito Reported Angry - Real Risk That His Defense Could Break Away From Knox’s

The Sollecito camp had a strong belief that the Knox camp was behind this TV movie and so they fought it, though it turned out quite even-handed and the RS role was minor.

5. The Year 2011

17. Click for Post  Sollecito Defense Team Breaking From Knox Defense Team On Legal Measures To Stop Lifetime Movie

Further differences reported here between the two camps on the Lifetime movie which until it was aired was believed to favor Knox and build a case for her innocence.

18. Click for Post  Tenth Appeal Court Session: Might Today’s Testimony Give Sollecito More Of An Advantage Than Knox?

After his team’s (attempted) discounting of the main evidence at Meredith’s house against Sollecito, Knox’s position looks way worse, as she has motives both for killing and cover-up.

19. Click for Post  Is The Raffaele Sollecito Defense Team About To Separate Him From A Radioactive Amanda Knox?

Final days. Sollecito has at least five advantages over Knox. Better lead lawyer, better family in Italian eyes with smarter campaign, not much physical evidence at the house, no obvious motive unlike Knox, and a weak and washy personality Bongiorno plays up.

6. The Year 2012

20. Click for Post  In Desperation A Council Of War? All Of The Sollecito Family Suddenly Hop On Flights To Seattle

Sollecito is the one now in puppy-dog mode, though his father has said publicly that the relationship with Knox is at an end; here the RS family sets out for Seattle to try to make it so. 

21. Click for Post  Sollecito’s Book Honor Bound Hits Italy And Already Scathing Reactions And Legal Trouble

Sollecito’s book, which subtly promotes Knox’s guilt, runs into legal trouble for false claims, which could also impact Knox’s claims and legal future. His seeming sticking with Knox damages Bongiorno’s defense strategy.

22. Click for Post  Will Sollecito Drop Amanda Knox In It Further In A Public Seattle Interview At 7:00 PM Tonight?

Sollecito’s American book promotion tour often went badly and he seemed unaware of what was in his own book; though once again he was making out Knox was guiltier. His defense team despise the book.

7. The Year 2013

23. Click for Post  Knox & Sollecito Meet - To Attempt To Bury The Hatchet Other Than In Each Other?

The second public Sollecito attempt to end up with Knox, who already had chips on her shoulders about him but went through this charade. Soon, they were back to whacking one another.

24. Click for Post  Seeds Of Betrayal: Sollecito Twice More Implies Evidence Against Knox Much Stronger Than Against Him

Sollecito sustains this steady drum-beat of putting Knox down, highlighting the evidence against her, repeatedly saying he stuck with her despite no evidence against him (no deal helping RS was ever offered).

25. Click for Post  Seeds Of Betrayal: In Interview Knox Reveals To Italy Her Considerable Irritation With Sollecito

Knox does an extended interview with Oggi (for which she and Oggi are being charged) lying about officials and the evidence, but also uttering her angriest blast yet against Sollecito.

8. The Year 2014

26. Click for Post  Rejected Yet Again By Knox, Sollecito Seems Frantic To Avoid What Might Be A Final Return To Italy

Sollecito (like Sforza) was desperately looking for someone to marry him, to keep him in the US. Kelsey Kay was briefly interested, but he dumped her; he had told her Knox had recently turned him down.

27. Click for Post  What We Might Read Into Sollecito Lawyer Giulia Bongiornos Final Arguments To The Appeal Judges

Bongiorno shows contempt for Knox; she effectively conveys the sense of the RS family that a crazed Knox dragged RS into this. She see the RS book as a pro-Knox con job by her team.

28. Click for Post  As Knox & Sollecito Try To Separate Themselves, Each Is Digging The Other In Deeper

Sollecito is clearly trying to distance himself from Knox now, claiming that there is far more evidence against her than against him. Knox’s irritation with him is growing.

29. Click for Post  Sollecito Suddenly Remembers He Wasnt There But Cannot Speak For Knox Who (As She Said) Went Out

Members of Sollecito’s family are believed to be taking their anger at Knox to Twitter and making numerous taunts while emphasizing how they believe Sollecito was dropped in it by Knox and is less to blame.

30. Click for Post  Spitting In the Wind: Sollecito News Conference Backfires On Him AND Knox - What The Media Missed

Really irritated at the US-written RS book, Bongiorno goes a long way to separating the two perps in the minds of Italians; however RS hedges a little though, after having said the evidence points only to Knox.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/18/19 at 05:48 AM in

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Amazing. Knox waffled on like a lunatic, saying things that can be disproved in 5 minutes with Google. The media parrots it, incurious.

She slams the media themselves for her “false conviction” and the very media she is blaming don’t think to fact-check that???

Is anyone seeing this Sollecito angle puzzled over yet in any media? Doesnt his absence and non-mention raise any red flags?

We’ve put Piers Morgan’s producers in the loop, suggesting they follow the series. At least he smells a rat now.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/18/19 at 12:40 PM | #

Good work, mafia poodles Lupária and Sola and Cagossi, by the way. You should put in for promotion.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/18/19 at 01:27 PM | #

Excellent analysis of the Knox-Sollecito dynamic.  You get the impression he just wants to forget and put it all behind him, whereas Knox wants to keep reliving it.

Knox claims to be championing the cause of a life-serving prisoner, Jens Soering, jailed for double murder of his girlfriend’s elderly parents.  He was labelled the killer, and his girlfriend, Haysom, the accessory.

Knox claimed at Modena that she was struck by the similarity to her case.

Maybe she wants to convey the impression Raff was the killer, and her the ‘accessory’, like Guede.  Didn’t she say she saw blood on his hands?

Only the three of them know for sure.

Posted by KrissyG on 06/18/19 at 05:01 PM | #

our latest tweet.

#amandaknox guess who was at Innocence Project Italy’s annual the year before? These two besotted clowns. No doubt they validated Knox and so dropped shell-shocked Modena organizers in the drink.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/19/19 at 11:45 AM | #

Re the Porta a Porta. Mid-morning Thursday NYC time. No word in yet on what happened, nothing showing up on Google, and I am on the road and have to be offline for a while. Maybe it’s not broadcast yet. More later.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/20/19 at 10:41 AM | #

As a direct result of Knox’s crazy rant Dr Mignini has been invited to do quite a lot of interviews.

He is low-key, but extremely credible and effective, almost hypnotic. You can use the new translate function to watch his YouTubes.

There is zero backlash against him in Italy. The nuking by the US and UK Knox-crazies is little known about there.

He retires next year and will publish - and will be in huge demand on TV. Law schools everywhere will pay him for a guest lecture. 

We will do all we can to get him on a panel in the US and on TV here.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/20/19 at 10:43 AM | #

Several emails from Italy responding to this post tell us Sollecito is extremely dangerous to Knox.

It is obvious that he resents terribly not only her dropping him in it but making a ton of money out her stalking and defaming.

Nobody can take that route in Italy and if Knox had been guilty at the end of the process there are strong laws stopping

As I said only half jokingly in another comment maybe having her bumped off could be something he at least fantasizes about.

Theres a school of thought that has it that on his first, long, visit to Santa Dominica, how can I put it, he was being sized up to see if he was a good fit with the family business.

Italy has no extradition treaty with Santa Dominica so many made guys retire there.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/20/19 at 10:53 AM | #

Sollecito really, really did not want to go back to Italy on his trips from 2102 on to the US..

Like the drug-addled crackpot Frank Sforza he desperately looked for someone to marry him.

In light of how he had treated Knox, she did not think that’d be a marriage made in heaven.

He got a really nice kind girl, Kelsey Kay, interested, but then went mental on her and jilted her.

We interviewed her, quite willingly. She needs to be in our Hall of Fame for that one.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/20/19 at 11:05 AM | #

Minor mixup. KrissyG’s excellent list of risks Knox took which appeared here in a comment are actually intended to be the lead in Friday’s post.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/20/19 at 09:11 PM | #

It seems Sollecito used Porta a Porta to complain that Knox’s declarations were extracted from her and that their respective rights were not guaranteed.

He also said that Knox benefited from the fact that Americans are very patriotic and got behind Knox, whereas Italians are not so and all he had in support was his family.

On the other hand there are advantages in having an extended family that can bend court cases 180 degrees for you.

Some further burble about not having had any support for his rehabilitation i.e not enough money I guess, judging from the state of his trousers and his lack of socks.

Posted by James Raper on 06/21/19 at 05:19 AM | #

Hi James

This again shows how we have leapfrogged Italian talking heads and the public in our depth of understanding of the case. A good book in Italian (hint) and the Wiki in Italian seem essential to their catching up, though their overall negative take remains firm. 

The pre-arrest interview documents Knox and RS signed and we translated for the Interrogation Hoax series show no sign of abuse, or even any suspicion of Knox, though she was acting odd, and they were observing her phone and reactions at the house.

The Government of Italy appeal on the ECHR recommendation to pay Knox for no lawyer (ECHR decision whether to accept the appeal may be announced Monday) makes clear that Knox did not “confess” as ECHR thought (and Knox’s lawyers and Judge Boninsegna said). She pointed to Patrick and it seems does not automatically merit a lawyer for that.

So the right comeback by the Porta a Porta host could have been “Well why did you hang her out to dry on 5/6 Nov 2007 and two days later to Magistrate Matteini and so often after that?”

Knox seems to have made so much blood-money now maybe there was a hint of a payment in their call several days ago to keep RS quiet?

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/21/19 at 07:48 AM | #

Off subject, apologies to the guy who wrote the post… A very weird craft has appeared in the Hudson down below chez Quennell.

No, not so much this one (though what is it, a new Olympic class?), it’s this one down below.

At first glance, it looked like a military vessel, with the black control room on top and the big platform at the back.

But if you google the name “Ad-vantage Bikini” you can learn a lot.

That crane is there because it carries a little yellow submarine on board.

And it is a support boat, a class new to me, which means the owner has a bigger boat, and this one carries around his toys.

This one is probably a lot faster too so the toys get there first.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/21/19 at 12:57 PM | #
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