Sunday, March 28, 2010

Meredith’s Perugia #24: These Are All Places Meredith Could Have Got To In An Hour

Posted by Our Main Posters

Is that Vivaldi in both? At a guess, yes, it is.

If you have a special thing for Italian classical music (and who doesnt?) take another look at these.

Posted by Our Main Posters on 03/28/10 at 04:19 PM in

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Actually, I’m inclining to Mozart in that first one. A violin concerto I don’t know. Anyone? Earthling? Mozart knew Italy really well of course, he toured there as a child prodigy and half of his operas are in Italian.

Little known fact about Mozart: had he lived longer, he might very well have ended up in New York. His librettist did - he became a professor at Colombia University - and Vienna politics were getting uncomfortably hot for Mozart just before he died.

Premature deaths of great talents are among the sadder things on the planet. What might have been….

Posted by Peter Quennell on 03/28/10 at 05:41 PM | #
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