Now Our Website Is The Subject Of A Russian Wire Service Story
This story has just been posted on the NewsRu-dot-com website. Meaning it will be picked up by other media in Russia.
Welcome to new readers from that great country. True Justice for Meredith is already read in about 20 countries. These are today’s readers to noon NYC time.
The Russian piece seems essentially a fair take on what we are about. If we read it right, though, it does seem to suggest we have questions about the investigation by the Italian authorities.
Actually, no. That is not us.
Readers of our site here can see that we continue to think that the Italian investigative and judicial processes have been fair and exemplary. Our evidence posts below essentially only go to show that they seem to have it right.
It has been the contempt heaped upon those processes over the past year in some arms of the media that has been our special inspiration here.
That and Meredith. The one and the only victim in this case.
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The Russian-community website in the US here has now posted NewsRu-dot-com’s story.
Welcome local Russian friends to this site. Za zdorovie.
I might point out here that, because we are still loading our site here with the main material, we have not yet reached out to any media to tell them about the site.
However, we have maybe a dozen emails in already, and we have thanked them and provided a first brief responce that we hope was helpful,
Completion of our FAQ page is clearly needed like yesterday. It’ll be done within a week max.
Oh and Желаю вÑего хорошего.
The story is now picked up by Russia Boston.
I’m very impressed. These Russian-language outlets have a good eye for an important story.
I’ve always found my Russian friends to be keen followers of the news. I hope the community find this involving.
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