Category: Hoaxers from 2007
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hearst’s Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Now On The Defensive?
Posted by Peter Quennell
Seattle tip: The newsroom seems to despise the blog “reporting” described below and to think it is hurting the paper. If incorrect, newsroom, and you really do love it, please feel free to correct it.
Above at the right is Seattle PI editor David McCumber. Seems like a nice guy, with a distinguished career.
Yesterday we received a rather tart email from a staff-member. The tone made us curious. It seemed a little defensive. So we have taken a closer look.
We’ve already posted here on the paper and the case. We noted then that the paper is part of New York’s privately-owned Hearst empire. Our header box on the post noted this:
Normally, the Hearst papers are famous for CHAMPIONING victims’ rights and memories. Not for abusing them, in a defense blog they host.
We gave the paper an F grade for that performance. And an A grade for the excellent post-Guede-trial reporting indicated here.
The Seattle PI’s circulation has taken quite a dive this year. The paper has seen a drop of 7.8 percent in papers sold, to just 117,572 in October.
Its one competitor, the Seattle Times, also privately owned, saw a similar percentage drop, to 198,741 in October.
However, the Times sells a lot more newspapers, and it seems fundamentally stronger.
Since 1983, the P-I and The Seattle Times have been run under a “Joint Operating Agreement” (JOA) whereby advertising, production, marketing, and circulation are run for both papers by the Seattle Times Co. They maintain separate news and editorial departments. The papers publish a combined Sunday edition, although the Times handles the majority of the editorial content while the P-I only provides a small editorial/opinions section.
If only one Seattle newspaper is left standing in the long run, which one might that be?
And might the Seattle PI be vulnerable, by way of that blog? It seems possible that its own legal people now think that it might be.
The so-called “reader’s blog” to which we have recently drawn attention is actually copyrighted. It has just bred a book deal, without consultation with the Kerchers. And it runs with some very high-impact paid advertising, flashing right alongside.
The paper seems to shrug the blog off as none of their business. Lawyers in New York here seem to doubt this attempted separation would carry far.
The blog was much criticized by readers in its early days, for seemingly being unable to mention the victim’s name. It’s attempting a lot of catch-up now, which seems to be fooling no-one.
It also has a bizarre history of ridiculing the prosecutor. Not something we’d have thought helpful to the ill-served Amanda Knox, now sitting in jail, awaiting his case against her.
And the blog has seen repeated waves of purges of comments in the past. HTML captures of the blog prior to these purges (there are many such captures) suggest the point of them is to eliminate any dissenting opinion or correction of wrong facts.
And perhaps to give a wrong impression of the blog’s viewpoint to any first-time readers. Or of the increasingly convincing state of the evidence.
The Seattle Post Intelligencer seems to host THE ONE NEWSPAPER SITE IN THE WORLD to carry comments deeply hostile toward the Kerchers themselves.
Not by the blogger, true. But they were long allowed to stand, and their right to stand was defended.
In the past several days, however, they have suddenly disappeared. And the google search below now no longer produces results.
Hmmm. Is yet another of the website’s many comment purges going on here? And this time, a legally-inspired purge?
Covering your tails, finally, are you Seattle PI? Legally, it makes very good sense. But another F grade for now.
One day we might upgrade you. But it’s the reporting we want to see change. And the blog toast.
Hearst’s Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Is The Editor Banning Truthseekers From Website? DRAFT
Posted by Peter Quennell
Above at the right is Seattle PI editor David McCumber. Seems like a nice guy, with a distinguished career.
David, David, David:...
We have had such very high hopes for you out there at the Seattle PI. There our paper is, right at the heart of the of the brightest, wealthiest and most influential media markets in the world.
Our paper absolutely could be one of the flagships. Conveying what an exciting, beautiful, cultures and caring Seattle really is. Making the readership so proud to be part of it. Making those who might visit so keen to actually do so.
So we are a little stunned at your circulation down 10 percent, when the average loss is less than five and some papers actually are doiung very well.
So we let’s see here.
And here we have this incredibly moving and tragic case with a victim who has to have been one of the most sweetest and loveliest girls in the world - young and defenseless, exactly the kind of victims
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Wow! The Serial Italy-Smearer Strikes Once Again!
Posted by Peter Quennell
Peter Popham of the UK Independent. Yes that Peter Popham. And (wow!) that Peter Popham.
Ridicule of Italy has been a huge and hugely mistaken main arm of the Friends of Amanda strategy.
In the early days of the case, Peter Popham wrote quite rationally and dispassionately about it. He came across as an okay reporter, and he managed to maintain a detached point of view.
He actually noticed the victim and her much-suffering family.
And then he sat with Knox’s parents for an interview and seems to have been never quite the same since. Seemingly that Kool-Aid started its work on him right about then.
On Saturday (slow day, Saturday - you think maybe his editors were trying to bury him?) Peter Popham devoted 20 heated paragraphs to a blogger with a masonic conspiracy theory of the case. The “masonic theory that put Knox in the dock”.
The kicker?
[Prosecutor] Mignini does… have the benefit of a cracking story. And in Italy that counts for a lot.
They are all sheep, you see? Silly people. And the blogger? A catholic.
Well! Has Mr Mignini really sold this cracking story? And have the judge and the Italian population really bought into it?
Let’s see here.
There has been just about zero serious reporting of this masonic theory in Italy itself. Many (we included) knew it was out there. It was fundamentally just not very interesting or convincing.
And the Italian population seem to be coolly and compassionately aware of how Meredith probably did die and why. They did not seem to need lurid conspiracy theories to bring them to this point.
No clear influence of the blogger over Prosecutor Mignini on this case has been shown. Mignini apparently did make a few remarks about Halloween. But Halloween is Halloween, and masons are masons, and there is a difference if you actually look.
And there is no influence over the jury, because (American commentators, please get this right) in place of a jury, there is just a very well-informed judge.
And seemingly there was ZERO influence over this judge, and his judgment on Rudy Guede, and his overall take on the case. The judge has already explained that he went on the physical evidence and ONLY the physical evidence.
And from just that evidence these conclusions derive:
[Judge] Micheli agreed with prosecutors that more than one person took part in the sexual assault and murder, dismissing claims that the 47 bruises and knife wounds on Kercher’s body could have been made by a single attacker.
He upheld the testimony of a neighbour who heard more than one person fleeing Kercher’s house, adding that while footprints there might not definitely belong to Knox and Sollecito, they did indicate more than one attacker.
He stood by forensic evidence indicating Kercher’s and Knox’s DNA on a knife found at Sollecito’s house [hidden in a shoe box] which investigators suspect is the murder weapon, and ruled Sollecito’s DNA on Kercher’s bra strap as reliable evidence.
He dismissed as “fantasy”, the claim that Knox, Sollecito and Guede planned to involve Kercher in an orgy inspired by “Halloween parties” instead describing the fatal encounter as unplanned.
What really is the truth about the state of the evidence?
Well, much of it even now is not yet in the public domain. But what we already do know is pretty exhaustive. It hangs together nicely. It has been independently vetted. And it is very convincing.
And if there had not been a huge clean-up in the wee hours of the morning (the evidence for that is quite overwhelming) there would have been a great deal more.
And what really is the truth about the motives for the crime?
Probably that they were really very simple. What looks like a toxic blend of drugs, jealousies and guilt-free pathologies.
But more importantly, do they even matter? Does the prosecution have to PROVE a motive, lurid or otherwise?
Actually, no.
Here is an excellent take on this vital point by Michael, one of the very knowledgeable moderators of the Perugia Murder File forum.
The fact that in this case, we still do not have a ‘proven’ motive, nor do we have a proven and logged episode of the three suspects being together before the murder, is irrelevant.
It is the fact that the crime itself was carried out clearly by more then one individual, that all three can be shown to have been there either during, or very shortly after the crime, finished off by the fact that there was a clean-up/staging of the murder afterwards by someone who was ‘not’ Rudy Guede, that provides the necessary proof to convict Guede and refer the other two to trial.
One ‘starts’ at the crime scene itself, because that is where the ‘evidence’ proves them to have been. Not only what ‘is’ there, but also what is not..
To simply say ‘Well…we cannot prove a single time and reason before the event that all three met, therefore we must ignore and throw out all the evidence at the crime scene that indicates more then one person’ is simply ridiculous….
I’ll draw an analogy… If the ground violently shakes, causing the buildings to collapse around us, we have to say that this was an earthquake. It’s no good saying there was no earthquake because we are not anywhere even close to a faultline, or there’s no volcano nearby.
The proof of an earthquake is there. It simply means we then have to consider other possible reasons as being a cause of the quake, even if we cannot technically prove those new theories, because the quake as a ‘fact’ has happened. We then must simply take whichever of those theories is possible and the most likely and apply it as the explanation.
This indeed is what Micheli did in this case, when he said the protagonists may have met at some earlier point in the pubs and clubs. Despite the fact there are no witnesses who have come forward to relate this event, it is not an ‘unlikely’ event to have occurred, considering the close proximity of everyone to everyone else, especially as Knox already knew Guede…
Indeed, it is one of Micheli’s reasons for referring the case to trial. As he has said, a full trial may be able to answer those questions better. But still, that is not what is important, what is important is the defendants prove [now if they can that] they were not at the crime scene during the murder and involved in the staging afterwards.
Cracking story, Peter Popham. But it’s close to game over. Smarter people than you are folding their tents.
Perhaps it’s now time that you did the same.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Why CBS Should Report Better - Way Better - On This Case
Posted by Peter Quennell
Pizzey makes at least two mistakes in this gushy little report from Rome on CBS News
- The short-form trial can normally result in a 1/3 reduction in the sentence - the 2/3 claim appears to be baseless.
- Rudy Guede “admits” to having sex with the victim - better make that “claims” to have had sex, widely disbelieved.
CBS continues its abysmal track record of being one of the most factually-challenged sources on the case.
Click here for the rest