Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Civil Case Of Knox v Lifetime Will Be Considered By The Perugia Courts On July 4
Posted by Peter Quennell
On July 4? Big day in America. Seems today’s judge has a sense of humor.
The closed hearing in civil court in Perugia was brief, and there are just a couple of media images of Knox looking rather dispirited. The Italian media have not yet identified who are Lifetime’s legal representation or whether they were in court.
Knox’s lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova said his client wants the Lifetime TV movie withdrawn. He claimed that the movie had already been viewed 687,000 times on Lifetime’s website from all over the world, and that there is a version with Italian subtitles.
He said the movie could do irreparable harm to the prospects of his client. Amanda Knox in her statement said: “I am shocked at this invasion of my life and the speculations made about myself… I was very disturbed at the images in the trailer I saw on TV.”
The Knox and Sollecito suits were all actually filed before the movie itself had ever aired. No specific scenes were complained about today in court, and as the movie for the most part adheres to Massei, with some artistic license, it will be interesting to find out precisely which scenes are the bad ones.
The movie appeared to give Knox at least one big break in public eyes by making the provisional finding of an HIV test seem highly malicious though the facts don’t support this.
Sollecito appears in the movie much more briefly than Knox, and his most dramatic scene is where he throws one of Knox’s various alibis under the bus. Otherwise he comes across like a pussy.
His legal team has also said they were filing suit against Lifetime both in Perugia and in New York. No sign yet of those filings.
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