Sunday, December 26, 2010
Report #4 On Perugia: Why Amanda Knox Might Have Encountered Guede 20 Or More Times Near Her Home
Posted by SomeAlibi
The road up from the cottage and the intersection to the language school and university is a real deathtrap. It has no sidewalk, the traffic roars along, and at night the street is very dark.
So typically those coming from the area of the cottage head up the stone steps for s few steps and then they walk across the basketball court and the piazza. Reverse that (as in this video) for people going the other way.
As Rudy Guede was a habitual user of the basketball court, Amanda Knox might have seen him there as many as two dozen or three dozen times.
The innoscenti MUST distance Amanda from Rudi. Your videos do so much to show how ludicrous that premise is. Apart from the fact, as Rudy and Patrick have inferred, Amanda was * aggressively* friendly, seeming hell bent on having conquests. As Patrick says, wanting to be the Queen Bee. For Meredith, being popular, it was effortless. It was mentioned also, somewhere, that Amanda was highly competitive, with other women. Charles Mudede, in his interview, also mentioned that in his short stay in Perugia, he very quickly got to know everyone. It’s the very idea, that Amanda says she only saw Rudy a couple of times, didn’t know him, that creates a mental jerk. There is a very good reason why Amanda has distanced herself from knowing Rudy. I WONDER WHAT THE REASON COULD BE? Oh, wait, I fetched a clue, and it’s damning.
Has the “most beautiful black man” Knox enthused over ever been identified?
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