Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Justice V Jingoism: UK’s Sky News Tells Us They Are Seeing Hypocrisy
Posted by Peter Quennell
Click above for the report.
Sky News (controlled from NYC when last we looked! by Rupert Murdoch, above, on Sixth Avenue) says what a lot of Europeans are thinking.
A lot of New Yorkers too. A mean-spirited and dishonest PR campaign and a lazy dishonest media have colluded for far too long on this case. And on too many similar examples.
It is quite different in the US when it comes to foreign treatment of one of their own citizens.
Amanda “˜Foxy’ Knoxy, is the young American woman now on trial in Italy for the murder of the British student Meredith Kercher.
I was astonished to see her whole family, parents and children, invited on [ABC’s] Good Morning America and treated with cloying sympathy for all the world as if they were victims of a miscarriage of justice.
Sky News and the other Murdoch vehicles (the London Times, for example) have been among the MOST dispassionate about the case and among the MOST compassionate about Meredith.
Good on you, Rupert. For this, we salute you.
Very interesting. Perhaps this is the first turn of the tide. Influential newsgroup. We shall see…
i visited with a new young friend today who it turns out grew up in seattle and went to college with amanda - didn’t know her but had mutual friends. she says in the beginning all her friends said “there is NO way she could have done something like that” but are NOW admitting that it IS possible - that she is different and changed. whether or not it is because of drugs or mental illness, even her “loyal” friends are now seeing amanda in a different light. hopefully, more turning of the tide….
It would seem that anyone following the evidence presented so far has got to believe this girl has got a helluva lot of explaining to do.
As for her having changed, well I rather think this is who she was really, and it got expressed once she was free of the boundaries set by her family possibly or societal restrictions. Once she left her home base these characteristics were free to assert themselves, and the real Amanda had a chance to express her deep pathology and criminal brutality.
Thank god someone has finally come out and said this!
Thank you Adam Boulton. After being completely disappointed by one public figure, John Grisham, and his damaging and loose comments about the guilt or innocence of the defendants, it’s good to see that there’s still hope that the world hasn’t been blinded by the Knox PR train.
America giving the family of a murder suspect the amount of air time as they have is downright appalling.
Never truer is the statement - “only in America!” than in this case.
I watched with horror during the OJ trial when it started becoming obvious that, despite the welter of evidence to the contrary, the jury was about to let Mr Murderer walk free. I was in Miami on holiday when the verdict came through and the cheers of victory from the hotel staff were quite something to listen to. A sickening feeling then came over me when I thought about his victims.
Whilst the Kercher trial might not be in the same stratospheric league, the evidence against the defendants seems to be just as strong as that against OJ and I dread having that same sinking feeling again if the jury don’t convict these animals.
There is something deeply disturbing about Knox and to my mind, she is the main player in this tragedy. Sollecito seems a pathetic excuse of a man who has been led astray and Guede probably under Knox’s spell also.
I think the Italians have shown their system to be as fair and unbiased as follows. Nobody made these idiots make up false stories and then change them and I’m actually confident for once that justice will prevail and that Meredith’s family will get some slight crumb of comfort from the guilty verdicts that must surely be coming the defendants’ ways.
I only wish they could put these people down like the dogs that they are. An eye for an eye my friend and I’d happily be the man injecting or pulling the switch on old sparky for people like these.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Maybe Why Meredith’s House Was So Tough For Some Of The Police-Cars To Find?
Or to previous entry Case For The Prosecution #4: Amanda Knox’s Multiple Conflicting Alibis