Friday, August 06, 2010
Anne Bremner Arrested, Locked Up, Now Complaining (Surprise, Surprise) The Cops Got It Wrong
Posted by Peter Quennell
Seattle lawyer Anne Bremner was arrested and locked up for apparent drunk-driving and now seems to be scrambling for arcane excuses.
What a surprise. Here is the report by Sara Jean Green of the Seattle Times with some very beleagured PR spin among the generally pretty sarcastic and hostile comments.
Bremner is a showboating Seattle lawyer who injected herself into Amanda Knox’s case nearly three years ago. She created a notoriously inaccurate website on the case and more than anyone set the Friends Of Amanda alive.
Ever since the FOA have made their mainstay in commentary on the case disingenuous misstatements of the evidence and the contemptuous sliming of Prosecutor Mignini and seemingly pretty well all things Italian.
Bremner herself was featured in a TV network rant about Italian cops disturbing the crime-scene (the upstairs apartment where Meredith and Knox lived) when in fact they were filmed clearing the way into the downstairs apartment (where Meredith and Knox did not lived).
Her claims and smears over the past three years have been immensely hurtful to a very large number of people in Italy and the UK, and the general thrust of the FOA campaign was thoroughly disliked by Knox’s own lawyers in Perugia. .
It is hard to see how her muddled and often very nasty claims ever did Amanda Knox any good. This sounds like poetic justice for sure.
Does anyone believe that Anne Bremner suffered a brain injury, resulting in behavior that mimicked the signs of alcohol impairment?
It’s of paramount importance that the truth isn’t suppressed. The King County Sheriff’s Office must release the media investigative reports and video from her arrest.
Anne Bremner’s responses to the DUI allegations are ” memory loss” and “confused”.
Didn’t Amanda Knox use these same excuses during her murder trial?
Perhaps Seattle judge, Michael Heavey should ensure that Bremner will be treated fairly in US court, by writing letters on her behalf using his official letterhead.
Bremner’s involvement in Meredith’s case was shameful from end to end. Now this panicky attempt to keep stuff secret seems to be making everyone smell a rat.
What is there in those records that could come out that is worse than what is already out? The world sure wants to know now. I see in the Seattle Times comments a guess that it might be a history of other drinking infringements.
Michael has created a competition over on PMF for the most way-out excuses for Bremner being drunk or amnesiac.
And also on PMF the Machine listed the many others on the Knox bandwagon whose careers have taken a turn for the worse.
Is Amanda Knox a kind of Typhoid Mary? And if so, who around her is going to go down next?
This is getting dramatically more interesting.
Commenters in the Seattle Times comments area below the story have been doing their own sleuthing.
Here is commenter John Vidale:
That link from Glick206 is enlightening.
35 separate charges between 1988 and 2000 in Seattle alone for her traffic violations, all “committed” or guilty, except the first was “converted” and the second dismissed. Parking, speeding, no valid license, possession. [possession? meaning drugs?]
Using 6 names with combinations including a hyphen, periods, no middle name, etc.. Odd.
Several more cases that are harder to interpret over in King County courts. Another under Ann (no e) M. Bremner.
Some people are just more interesting than others.
Here is commnenter Brent H:
followed the link to http://web1.seattle.gov/courts/cpi/ as someone suggested earlier. Boy, was that interesting. I would hate to haver her driving around my area.
Date of Birth: 6/4/1958
Case Number Type Category Status Filing Date Police Incident Number
201697580 IP CLSC Mar 27, 2000
201557910 IT CLSC Sep 07, 1999
201697577 IP CLSC May 12, 1999
201164076 IP CLSC Oct 18, 1996
200927557 IP CLSC Jun 20, 1995
200741807 IP CLSC Jun 22, 1994
200741858 IP CLSC Jun 20, 1994
200726407 IP CLSC May 20, 1994
200703198 IP CLSC Apr 06, 1994
200700466 IP CLSC Mar 28, 1994
200450699 IT CLSC Dec 14, 1992
200348796 IP CLSC Apr 22, 1992
200322653 IT CLSC Mar 23, 1992
200290555 IT CLSC Jan 17, 1992
200281666 IN CLSC Dec 31, 1991
200259810 IP CLSC Oct 22, 1991
200259812 IP CLSC Oct 22, 1991
200252632 IT CLSC Oct 14, 1991
200255939 IP CLSC Oct 14, 1991
200241982 IT CLSC Sep 23, 1991
200204330 IT CLSC Jul 01, 1991
200200021 IT CLSC Jun 21, 1991
200182025 IT CLSC May 17, 1991
200189095 IP CLSC Apr 15, 1991
62860 CT CLSC Apr 12, 1991
200162417 IT CLSC Apr 12, 1991
60059 CT CLSC Apr 02, 1991
200157378 IT CLSC Apr 02, 1991
25007 CT CLSC Jul 10, 1990
901910768 IN CLSC Jul 10, 1990
900610389 IT CLSC Mar 02, 1990
882030345 IT CLSE Jul 21, 1988
882030346 CT CLSE Jul 21, 1988
Someone on the thread said her story of how she blew three tires (known to happen btw if you jump a median but not usually in a frontal or sideswipe collision) etc etc is maybe all the result of some bad PR advice.
Where have we heard that one before…
And labboy commented: “The Italian police in Perugia are laughing so hard I can here it.”
@Peter - Thank you for keeping us up to date - this latest maudlin episode from the FOA clan would be laughable were it not for the connection to the tragic murder of Meredith Kercher.
The following two paragraphs are from a November 5, 2008 article by Anne Bremner posted on the Perugia Shock website:
“At the same time, this particular case has been managed by Perugia’s chief prosecutor, Guiliano Mignini, in a way the public should know about. Somebody needs to challenge the bizarre conjecture through which Mignini and his associates have turned a straightforward murder into a fable with no precedent in the annals of crime.”
“And somebody needs to make a point, again and again until the world understands, that Amanda and Raffaele Sollecito are innocent. The case against them is based on evidence so ambiguous and compromised it should have no place in a fair trial.”
“But the prosecution has done a job of using lies, distortions and innuendo to incite resentment and public prejudice against these innocent suspects, and that is why I am speaking out. No one is paying me to do so.”
“I have practiced law for 25 years, both as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney, and I recognize an outrage when I see one. This case is an outrage.”
Hi True North. Yeah, the grandstanding Bremner went savagely over-the-top about Mignini and lied about the case and Mignini extensively before the Micheli Report came out (January 2009) and the trial began (February 2009).
Cowardly of her, to say the least, as like the cowardly Doug Preston she was several thousand miles away across the Atlantic. She would never have talked that way about a local American prosecutor.
She did go to Perugia but only to grandstand again, on the web, and it is doubtful Mignini even knew who she was or what she was saying.
She is said around Seattle to be an item or former item with Judge Heavey and if that is true she presumably helped to get him involved in writing his lunatic letters to Italy for which he now suffers. She posted Heavey’s letters on her website.
After the Micheli Report came out and the trial began, she still ranted on now and then in a confused and misleading way about the case, but she seems to have said next to nothing on it since the verdict in December. I wonder why.
Again: (1) Her absolutely incompetent, very viciuous and highly unprofessional commentary on the case caused immense hurt to a large number of people, and (2) her creation of the rabid FOA faction put the spreading of rabid smears and wrong “facts” on steroids.
The damage this meddlesome woman has done is truly immense. This really is poetic justice and we will follow this case very closely.
Reporters reading this should make quite sure to get Bremner’s comments on the Massei Sentencing Report for AK and RS now in English and due out in a day or two.
“she is seeking the court order to avoid negative publicity that could damage her reputation as a legal expert”
No Anne,
You are seeking a court order to try and squirm out of yet another DUI charge, the kind that mere mortals are punished by the law everyday.
Your apparent drink problem is damaging your ‘reputation’ as a legal expert. Your consistent breaking of the law is damaging your reputation as a legal expert, not “negative publicity” or whatever you describe your offences as.
It will be interesting to see how your previous work in defending the police will go towards the law being subverted (especially) just for you - this of course is the ultimate in hypocrisy considering your profession and your comments regarding the Amanda Knox case come as no surprise in the context of your latest alleged DUI charge.
Shame on you, I hope your brain injury isn’t too dehabilitating and that you will soon get your memory back and remember what happened.
Perhaps you could recommend your neurosurgeon to Amanda Knox.
I’m not 100% sure, so please, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t Ms Bremner one of the propnents of the “they must be innocent because they’ve never been in any trouble before” defence arguement….........
I don’t see why Ms Bremner should be treated any differently from anyone else - and I am pretty sure that news sources who request arrest videos etc from the police for your average man in the street get the footage without let or hinderance.
What a sleazy attempt to get out of taking responsibility for her actions.
I can’t lose respect for her since I didn’t have any in the first place after her disgraceful shrieking about the Knox case.
Lawyers who grandstand for “free” as she often points out do do it for a reason. It brings new clients rushing forward saying “You’re the best!”
Our lawyers here consider her sleazy, incompetent, and highly unethical. Heavey’s injection into the case and harm done were a mere pinprick compared to her role.
Even PR honcho David Marriott is reputed to despise her excesses and it is said he has had a fight or two with her.
David Marriott works for the Knoxes and Mellases, and Anne Bremner does not. So it would not be entirely surprising if even the Knoxes, Mellases and Marriotts merely shrug as this grandstander is brought down.
I hope that reporters reading this will serve true justice to murder victim Meredith Kercher.
When the translated Massei Sentencing Report is published, reporters should also make certain to obtain comments from the other US judges and US politicians who have made comments to the media on behalf of convicted murderer Amanda Knox.
These should include:
Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell
Seattle Judge Michael Heavey
U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.
Oregon Congressman David Wu
Very praiseworthy work here by the King County police and by KIROVTV, the Seattle Times and the Seattle PI.
Right now, they all appear tenacious and unblinking. Rightly so, as Bremner appears to be a major danger on the roads and a serial law-breaker.
Here is an excerpt from the KIROTV report quoting John Urquhart of the King County Sheriff’s Office.
“She appeared to be impaired by what she had to drink, so he arrests her for driving under the influence…. He had probable cause on a whole host of factors that we take into consideration when we make a DUI arrest—which is behavior, demeanor, smell of alcohol, blood shot eyes, any of those things.”
Two questions for the reporters on the case to hopefully pursue: Assuming that is her record above (1) How did Bremner ever hang on to a driver’s license? (2) How did Bremner ever hang on to her car insurance?
The Knox effect, never good.
Check out this emotional metaphor for Anne and Amanda’s love-hate relationship with police or power figures.
Fri. Aug. 6, 2010 People magazine: “Rihanna and Eminem Play with Fire in Shocking New Video”
“When a tornado meets a volcano” Eminem sings.
Hi Hopeful. Interesting that you see some psychological affinity. You know that we conjecture that affinity with others on the White Knight bandwagon too.
The two female White Knights who have pushed themselves to great prominence are Anne Bremner and Candace Dempsey. You see points of commonality between them?
Are they natural allies or are they natural foes? Could we perhaps hope to see them wrestling in mud one day? I guess at that point they wouldn’t be very white knights.
Kinky. That is for sure.
For what it’s worth:
Anne has one eye blind and her cat does, too.
Candace Dempsey seems like a person with identity issues. Dempsey is a Gaelic name, means “proud, haughty”. She seems torn between loving her Italian heritage and wishing to be some blonde Nordic. I doubt Irish would be enough. As an apologist for Amanda Knox, she can straddle the fence. She can blast the Italians, pretending to defend AK’s blue-eyed innocence, but maybe secretly hoping that Italian justice will win. If so, she can have it both ways and SELL A LOTTA BOOKS (main goal).
“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” King Solomon
Hayley Mills’ character in “Flame Trees of Thika” asked an Englishman to recommend a houseboy for her African coffee farm. The man suggested Sammy but warned her, “He’s half Kikuyu, and half Masai. As a Kikuyu, he understands them but as a Masai he despises them.” Dempsey’s dichotomy.
Anne Bremner has identity crisis, too. Just a month ago in July 2010 she was voted a super prestigious honor as a Washington lawyer. She has been a studious and talented woman, made great strides up the legal ladder. She may be afraid of success. Also, age is creeping up on her. Others mention “loneliness”. (I know nothing about her or Dempsey’s marital status.)
Alcoholism is an occupational hazard for cops and lawyers, among others. I’m sure they all sympathize with that coping style.
A parallel with Amanda is that Anne shot herself in the foot at the peak of her potential. Her DUI clown act in June 2010 exposed a grave tendency to lie. LIAR LIAR. The fact she called in the medical world to establish her “alibi” is extremely dishonest. Like Amanda, her desire for the spotlight has ended in disaster. Anne has told a big fib that, even if true, is more damaging than the simple truth. She’s a woman with career burnout, asking others to force her into new path. Default by DUI. She needs help but can’t admit it, like a lot of proud people.
She may feel guilty, frightened, alone and is reaching out in a hamhanded way to the police to rescue her, or at least to have some emotional encounter that’s more real than fighting other people’s battles. She has defended police cases in her legal capacity in the past. I believe she really does mean it when she says about police, “they give up so much to keep us safe.”
At same time she’s straddling the fence. She’s scared and undecided. She’s hoping to generate within herself enough anger at the cops to give her the energy to bash them. Maybe she feels rejected as a female, or as a lawyer. Cops and lawyers are notorious natural enemies, I think. She may be a female reaching out to a powerful male (police force), wanting love, structure, and correction yet then wanting to rebel against all that. Daddy issues?
She may now be aware that her precious little Amanda is a killer and sad she chose to defend her. So now she’s running around with a lot of stung pride and buyer’s remorse with the Knox crowd. Provoking the police into their natural reaction may give her sudden sympathy for Amanda that she can’t find any other way except thru fellow suffering. She may become an even more strident supporter of Amanda, sisters in handcuffs. This helps her stay blind to the facts, throw good money after bad, marry her tormentor. She can’t break free. She may even be having health problems, her age it’s common. If she has children or parents, their problems may be pressing on her. Everyone has a breaking point.
I think she set up the drunk driving incident by subconscious choice to force herself to pick a side: pick either the evil cops like the ones who stole Amanda’s freedom or turn against them completely and return to the safety of being a clever defense attorney who can win with words. Maybe she wants to return to her first love, the law, but is bored outta her gourd with it.
Craving the limelight is getting stronger in her life. There’s love of the camera and audience or she wouldn’t have migrated to TV. Identity issues for Anne are: to be or not to be, Hamlet decide! a blonde bombshell wannabe, or the brainiac. Respectability and order versus wild histrionics and theater. Cops tend to love actresses, too. But I think Anne falls more into category of news anchor, the intellect not instinct.
Crazy DUI on Eve of her 52nd birthday, no coincidence. She fears she’s losing her powers. Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, etc., and she may intensely regret her pro-Knox action. She’s obviously trying to punish herself for something. Except for her wrongheaded and self-serving stance on the Knox case which she hoped would catapult her to fame (maybe more fame than she could handle), I feel rather sympathetic toward her. She looks like she needs a friend. She needs AA. If she retains her driving privileges she’s lucky. Maybe she wants to crash and burn, to be rid of all cares for a season.
New topic:
The White Knight role is very draining. White Knights come in all shapes and sizes. Who is rescuing whom? the weak can end up in control. Tilting at windmills may be more profitable. The love of noble deeds is not wrong, but many a rescuer needs to be rescued, not having realized the quest is so strenuous, worse yet having chosen the wrong quest to begin with. We all make mistakes. In the end, it’s good to find one’s level, and not fly to the sun with wax wings. We’re on this earth to learn from each other.
Hi Hopeful. Pretty convincing to me. Her Knox intervention was an increasingly obvious wrong call and failure, and a potential career disaster, and now we see the unraveling and id-driven attempt to rebalance.
Before I too feel sympathetic to her though, I would require the complete unwinding of her nasty sliming positions and some apologies to the Kercher family and friends and to Mignini and his Italian colleagues.
She created a great deal of unneccessary hurt, not only to all of them, but also via the creation of the FOA to anyone who ventures onto the internet in support of true justice for Meredith.
If this means she needs to go further down to come up right, so be it.
She already seems to drive without a license. Some time served in the big house might do her a great deal of good. If she claims under oath that there was a hit and run, and the cops can prove she merely jumped a median, she will be liable for perjury.
Her first hearing is scheduled for next Tuesday at 2:30 pm (we will post more details on this) and the Seattle media will be there in force. They of course are legal parties here, as they are the ones wanting the dash-cam video.
That sure will make for an interesting YouTube.
Interesting too on the prison the White Knights create for themselves. Again I look forward to them backing down some. I hope they are not all driving around drunk.
It appears that one of the other White Knights is refusing to back down.
King County, Wash., Superior Court Judge Michael Heavey is accused of misusing his office after he wrote letters to the Italian judges protesting the treatment of Amanda Knox who has been convicted of killing Meredith Kercher.
Heavey’s attorney argues that Heavey, a publicly outspoken supporter of Amanda Knox was ” futhering the ends of justice”, as required by his position.
So it’s required by Judge Heavey’s position to influence criminal trials in foreign countries?
I find it very interesting that Anne Bremner’s long and persistent list of auto crime came to a sudden stop in the year 2000, like driving a car into a brick wall as it where.
It was the year Judge Heavey took office…
Go figure.
Hi True North. Our experience is the WK’s go quiet rather than publicly back down.
This list of those who have gone quiet (or maybe found another cause to White Knight) is much longer now than those who are still vocal.
They are left with the fleas that run those absurd websites - and, apparently, Judge Heavey, though he may know he really is toast
Judge Heavey and the Fleas… sounds like the name of a rock band. How’s his falsetto?
“id-driven attempt to rebalance” describing Bremner’s car crash, how concise. Thanks for great phrase that condenses 100 encyclopedias. “id-driven attempt to rebalance”, gotta love it.
Yep, Anne may need to go even lower before she can rebound. After this mess, she’ll appreciate her former position and cherish her accolades. Don’t know what we got till it’s gone.
I failed to answer question, are Bremner and Dempsey allies or will they end up mud-wrestling? Friends or enemies? (maybe frenemies). Let me think awhile. The coach dared Amanda to jump in mud puddle for $5.00. She did bellyflop & earned the cash. Somehow I see Bremner and Dempsey as twins, both wordy types, sensitive.
My knowledge of this case is very spotty, very uneven. TJMK posters and you have invested much more. If I knew Bremner better, I might be less charitable or sympathetic to her. It’s easy to be “charitable” from a distance as in my case.
Anne as catalyst to FOA is her biggest negative that I know about. Your ire is more than justified on that score, she has really rushed in where angels fear to tread, knowing little, presuming much, working out her own inner demons and gotten a lot of facts wrong (she’s hardly The Machine!) when she should have kept her mind on her Seattle cases. Old Italian saying from “Striking Distance” movie: don’t burn your tongue on another man’s soup.
She promoted falsehoods and threw mud, angered the supporters of Meredith. Now she’s drinking and driving. Flagrantly lying. The lying, is she channeling Amanda? Maybe she’ll find her place in comedy. She could probably use a laugh after years of poring through dry legal tomes, negative clients, while posturing among predator peers.
I think Bremner recently defended a case where a fire-fighter had injuries. He was proven to be faking. Don’t quote me, but I think it cost the city or state big bucks. If so, more need to drink.
Three blown out tires, tee hee…we Americans love our cars! Oh, yeah! Hit and run, how sweet it is. chuckle… Henry Ford, you done good.
Correction of my post 8/6/10: King Solomon did not say “a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” It is James 1:8.
Tonight on CBS 48 Hours Mystery, they highlighted a case I had not heard about before: the Kent Leppink murder case in Alaska. The two on trial for the murder were a 40 year old widower named John Carlin and his sometime paramour Mechele Hughes, who was only about 24 at the time.
Ms. Hughes had gone to Alaska to make money as a stripper. She attracted a lot of male interest and had, in a period of 18 months, relationships with 3 men who were from 10-15 years older than her. There were gifts and money, etc. involved. Anyway, there is a lot of evidence that Ms. Hughes (now Mrs. Linehan) was involved in a murder for insurance scam that resulted in Kent Leppink’s murder.
Carlin was convicted as the gunman (but died in a prison brawl a few years ago). Ms. Linehan was convicted as his co-conspirator, but in the past two years, her conviction was overturned by the Alaska Supreme Court.
This was due partly to the use in her trial of evidence such as her alleged love for a movie called The Last Seduction, which dramatized such a murder for money scheme. Also, the victim, Mr. Leppink, had written his parents a letter right before his death, to be opened only upon his death, that accused her and her paramours if he should die. The current status is apparently that Ms. Linehan will be tried again.
It was a very interesting show summarized here.
Ms. Linehan (formerly Hughes) reminds me a lot of Amanda Knox. Both were very young at the time of the alleged crime, taken out of their normal environment and thrust into an unstable, unknown situation, with not enough money and/or family support. They both seem to me (imho) to have psychopathic tendencies, to see themselves as players in some movie script in their own head. And both situations had tragic consequences.
Incidentally, Ms. Linehan had seemed to lead a model life before her arrest (there was about 10 years between the murder and her arrest), getting married, having a child, getting a Master’s degree, etc. These facts were emphasized in her defense, as well as her never having had any trouble with the law before.
Hi Hopeful. More that rings very true. And I suspect the revelations and insights on Anne Bremner are far from done coming out.
True North’s quote of Anne Bremner above from 18 months ago, before the Micheli Report came out and the AK + RS trial started, shows how incredibly wrong and damaging she was.
“At the same time, this particular case has been managed by Perugia’s chief prosecutor, Guiliano Mignini, in a way the public should know about. Somebody needs to challenge the bizarre conjecture through which Mignini and his associates have turned a straightforward murder into a fable with no precedent in the annals of crime.â€
“And somebody needs to make a point, again and again until the world understands, that Amanda and Raffaele Sollecito are innocent. The case against them is based on evidence so ambiguous and compromised it should have no place in a fair trial.â€
“But the prosecution has done a job of using lies, distortions and innuendo to incite resentment and public prejudice against these innocent suspects, and that is why I am speaking out. No one is paying me to do so.â€
“I have practiced law for 25 years, both as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney, and I recognize an outrage when I see one. This case is an outrage.â€
WHAT was that bizarre conjecture of Mignini’s? There was no bizarre conjecture. In a difficult case where major attempts had been made to throw police and prosecutors off, Mignini seems to have got the dynamics pretty well right.
What is REALLY horrific that Bremner ALWAYS ignores is (1) Meredith’s autopsy report which had Rome reporters who read it in tears and not sleeping well for days , and (2) the recreation by experts in court of the truly horrific scene in the room as Meredith trembled for her life with a knife on each side of her throat.
WHAT evidence was so ambiguous and compromised? Despite the major attempts that were made to throw police and prosecutors off, it stood up pretty well. NO evidence was thrown out, multiple experts testified to each item’s validity, not even one piece was totally discredited, and in any case it is the jury’s place to decide how valid each item is, not a non-Italian-speaker like Anne Bremner and her Mignini lynch mob 180 degrees away around the world.
And where is ANY evidence for this? “... the prosecution has done a job of using lies, distortions and innuendo to incite resentment and public prejudice against these innocent suspects”. Get real. Twenty-one judges were involved in this case.
It seems she was driven not entirely rationally by some inner demons, just as you suggest. Either Bremner was bored with her life and narcissistically wanting to hijack the parade, or she felt herself fading, especially as a legal talking head on TV in face of several dozen other women commentators who were already eating her lunch.
Remember, she stands out as the ONE lawyer in the US who has noisily maintained Mignini’s guilt and AK’s innocence throughout.
Joe Tacopino and John Q Kelly briefly made fools of themselves and then shut up - as did Jane Velez Mitchell on CNN and Geraldo Rivera on Fox. She must have thought she had a home run here.
Mignini was in Italy and she must have seemed safe sliming him from 1/2 a world away, especially as Doug Preston was leading the rabid pack.
And Meredith’s family and friends - a quiet bunch - were nearly 1/2 a world away in England, so she could safely assume they would not hit back.
A question. Can you or anyone here come up with ANY example of a media lawyer being so rabidly uncaring and offensive and hurtful and disruptive of justice to a victim and her family and friends?
I think not.
Anne Bremner owes a lot of people an apology. Her id is telling her that - just as it is driving the bottle and the car.
No one can hide the facts surrounding the torture and brutal murder of Meredith Kercher.
Not even Anne Bremner.
The two smaller knife punctures to Meredith’s neck along with the other 42 wounds to her body are clear proof of the sadistic torture that poor Meredith suffered before her agonizing death.
Anne Bremner’s attempt at sanitizing this case along with all her false claims have failed.
Hi Peter
Not sure if John Q Kelly has gone quiet since but on 24 May 2010 was still describing events in terms of a “Railroading, Modern Day Lynching and Elaborate cover up and conspiracy” by the prosecution. (Larry King Live).
Hi Lola. If that was a new appearance by John Q Kelly it is news to us. Can you find us a link?
We know the original Larry King Live of last November was recently rebroadcast. Here’s one of our posts.
Hi Earthling. I came in late from Long Island but caught some of that amazing CBS report on Mechele Hughes and recorded most of it.
Amazing not least because it was two hours long and the tension, as we didn’t know the outcome for Mechele Hughes, was considerable.
Amazing too because she was such a babyface cutie in the main image CBS used again and again. And amazing that CBS even made it so well, after their several appalling reports on Meredith’s case.
Can you figure out her precise status? The verdict was overturned early this year - but she is still on bail and under house arrest with electronic monitoring. Can you figure out why?
A post on this somewhat parallel case would be welcomed by many readers, I know.
Pete, glad you could catch that show too. Yes, it was pretty well-balanced. As usual, they played smarmy sad music whenever she or her defenders appeared on screen, but that’s to be expected on American TV.
As to her current status, my understanding is that her conviction was overturned by the Alaska Supreme Court. I did find an article last night that said the state of Alaska is going to retry her. In other words, she’s back to being indicted but not convicted for murder. (Sorry, I can’t find that article anymore, at the moment anyway.) So she’s been released on bail, but is on restricted bail, so there are conditions such as wearing an ankle monitor, staying in Anchorage, etc.
One thing the show mentioned at the end is that her new trial will not be able to rest on the previous conviction of John Carlin III, because of a technicality. He was convicted, but he was in an appeal status at the time of his death. So (if my understanding is correct), they are not allowed to say, in her trial, that her known associate Carlin was *convicted* of murder. I guess they can say he was tried, though.
Also, they can’t use the movie evidence (which seemed rather slim anyway), or the “letter from the grave” evidence.
Ms. Linehan speaks in a baby voice that many find grating.
Hi Peter
Sorry don’t know how to do links; history teacher not an ICT one! I just googled ‘John Q Kelly on Amanda Knox’ and video came up with that date on. He is dressed differently than videos on here. May be though that original recording significantly different than date uploaded.
Anne Bremner is back in the news today. We will post on this after our big pending post on how the Massei Report was translated and how it is being received. Here in the meantime is today’s report.
King County Superior Court Judge Laura Inveen ruled that, ye, most of the records should be made public - but she put a hold on them pending an appeal by Bremner’s team.
Seems the Seattle PI has now joined the Seattle Times and two TV stations in wanting the records and police video all made public.
The claims of a hit-and-run accident causing brain damage seem to have encountered some skepticism, and Bremner seems to be aggressively confronting the county police.
Perhaps she thinks not only her TV stints but her whole career is riding on this, especially in light of what seems a long list of prior traffic convictions.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry The Judges’ Sentencing Report For The Guilty Verdicts In The Case Of Meredith Kercher
Or to previous entry Oregon’s David Wu: Another Opportunistic American Congressman That Takes An Anti-Italy Stance