Monday, June 27, 2011

30-Plus Minute Video By Perugia’s Umbria24 TV Of Rudy Guede In The Courtroom

Posted by Peter Quennell

All in Italian. This is a video of the press TV feed in the press room which is allowed.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/27/11 at 06:00 PM in The officially involvedTrials 2008 & 2009Hellmann 2011+


Reposted here for Italain speaker ncountryside

Miss Knox speaks, pay attention at 5,47

[5.00] Signori della Corte volevo dichiarare semplicemente che le sole volte che Rudy Guede, Raffaele ed io siamo stati radunati nello stesso spazio e in un’aula di giustizia, non abbiamo in nessun modo contato [?] di e non e non…. [5.23] e sono shockata e angosciata da queste dichiarazioni, veramente, perche’.... [5.31] lui lo sa che non c’eravamo, lui sa che non c’entriamo [5,37] e non lo so quello che e’ successo quella sera … alzarsi [?] e non potremo [?]  nemmeno dire, dire a lui guarda [5,47] gli sbagli si rimediano prima dicendo la verita’ e questo, quindi, grazie. [5,56]

[5.00] Lords of the Court I simply want to declare that the only time that Rudy Guede, Raffaele and me were together in the same space and in a courtroom, not in any way we ... [?]  not and do not .... [5.23] and I am shocked and distressed by these statements, really, because…. [5.31] he knows that we weren’t there, he knows we are not involved [5.37] and I do not know what happened that evening ... [?] and we might not even say [?], say him [5.47] look: mistakes are corrected by telling before the truth, and this, therefore, thank you. [5.56]

Sollecito speaks, unintentional President’s irony ?
6.07 R: “ … non sono abituato “… Presidente: … eh, ma ci si abitua rapidamente ...”
6.07 R: “ … I’m not used “… Presidente: … eh, but you get used quickly ...”

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/27/11 at 10:32 PM | #

Thoughtful on PMF psoted this translation of Amanda Knox’s brief intervention.


“Please the Court, I simply want to declare that the only times that Rudy Guede, Raffaele and I were together in the same space is in a courtroom. We never had any kind of contact. I am shocked and anguished by his declarations, truly, because… He knows it, that we weren’t there. He knows that we weren’t involved. And I don’t know what happened that night. I just wish I could tell him “Look, mistakes can be fixed by first telling the truth.” That’s all. Thank you.”

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/28/11 at 01:23 AM | #

And at0.41 seconds, Knox can clearly be seen receiving 3 cuffs to the back of her head. This may have contributed to the confusion of her subsequent statement.

Posted by mimi on 06/28/11 at 03:45 AM | #

There ya go Mojo. Obviously by not hanging around Rudy missed out on some great advice: “I just wish I could tell him, Look, mistakes can be fixed by first telling the truth.”  He would have cracked up at that one.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/28/11 at 05:02 AM | #
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