How The Supreme Court Might Disrupt US Democratic Systems For Generations
If you think the Supreme Court is a factor in US elections, you maybe ain’t seen nothing yet.
First, a major surprise is how little the 1789 US Constitution actually says about the Supreme Court. Article III talks only about the judges’ terms of employment and controversies between which parties it should get its nose into.
Nothing about how many justices, and nothing about how the Constitution grants it the enormous powers it has accumulated which sometimes seem to disadvantage the majority - this may have been one factor in the national election outcome the other day.
On 7 December the Court will hear arguments in a case called Moore v Harper which could affect the US political landscape for generations. As the video below explains, this is an attempt to limit the powers of state courts to override state politicians trying to meddle with election outcomes.
It is in reaction to a number of multi-level tweaks to election systems and related legal systems leveling the playing-field a bit in the past couple of years. If the Court endorses the status quo, and maintains current state court powers, American democracy will gamely plod on.
Sorry for the anxiety making news. The Guardian is good at explaining the case and why the outcome could go either way.
“The most terrifying case of all is about to be heard by the US supreme court”
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