Correcting NY Times 23: Rebutting Jessica Bennett’s Smears Of Dr Mignini #2

Scientific Police Labs Rome; all evidence processing done here

Jessica Bennett omitted most of the enormous body of evidence so that she could belittle the Italian cops and get the back of her little darling, Knox. You can find her smears in this list and previous rebuttals in this list. Below, a resposting of our still-precise flagship Powerpoint by James Raper with Kermit, created more than 10 years ago, and now to be found on our new Powerpoints page.

2. Defamatory: The prosecution’s theory about a satanic sex game gone awry.
3. Defamatory: not wild theories from the prosecution
5. Defamatory: it is common for police and lawyers to leak information to the press.
6. Defamatory: prison authorities told her she had tested positive for H.I.V. (She had not.)
7. Defamatory: a lot of it leaked straight from the prosecution
8. Defamatory: principal Italian prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini…  during the trial portrayed Ms. Knox as a sex fiend looking to exact revenge on her roommate
6. False: [Prosecution leaking] help explain the leak of Ms. Knox’s jailhouse journal
15. False: [Prosecution] argued that she had to have been involved in the killing, because only a woman would cover a body with a bedsheet.
16. False: During her trip back to Italy, in 2019, she delivered a letter to him in Italian, asking if he might be willing to begin a dialogue. It took him a few months to respond, but they have been corresponding since then.
66. Misleading: Mr. Mignini, who has since retired and is publishing a book on the case next year, is open to the idea.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 03/01/21 at 11:47 AM in

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