Sunday, November 19, 2023
American Woman Kills In Jealous Rage… Does This Ring A Bell?
Posted by Peter Quennell
Above, Kaitlin Armstrong is sentenced to ninety years.
She raged Knox-style at Moriah Wilson over a man, shot her three times, and went on the lam. She was extradited from Costa Rica (see saga discussed below) where she was halfway to assuming a full disguise.
Now she pays, and pays. Rightfully. No bent courts here.
As usual, I keep an eye out for any role of drugs. Not yet seeing it here.
Not to let anyone off the hook - it was tried at the 2009 Knox/Sollecito trial by the defense, and fell flat - but to see if it was one of the drugs (especially cocaine and skunk marijuana) that can cause psychotic episodes and deaths.
There are some of those every year, and the psychotic risk of such drugs is still widely unknown.
Our newer readers might be interested in some background to the drugs point above, as we covered it pretty extensively way-back.
1. Knox’s parents were screaming at one another from before she was born - her dad thought he had been trapped by the pregnancy - and they broke up before her sister was born. Periodically during Knox’s childhood, mental damage seemed to peek out. And her stepdad needled her. Although she could easily have commuted to the university, she chose to move out of her home to an off-campus house, and got notoriously into drugs.
2. She may well have chosen Perugia because it had more of a reputation for cheap and easy drugs than any other Italian university town. She did not even enroll at the university, merely at a language school where anybody can walk in. She met a drug dealer on the train there (and shagged him) and he supplied her with cocaine. She would shag him noisily in the house and the wall between her room and Meredith’s was paper-thin, one source of constant tension between the two. She later caused the drug dealer’s arrest; he was put away.
3. Police and prosecutors have long believed that Knox was on a major cocaine high when she inspired the gang attack and sank the knife into Meredith. Why?
(1) Knox seems to have no clear recollection of anything that happened on the night, and in the only two times she really was interrogated (she was not interrogated at time of arrest) on 17 December 2007 ( https://tinyurl.com/2rneebv3 ) and at trial in 2009 she made mistake after mistake - and on 17 December she was so unbelievable and frustrated, she cried.
(2) Knox stank of cat-pee, a sign of heavy cocaine use, and was sniffy and puffy when police and prosecutor came to the house on the day Meredith’s body was found.
(3) Knox beating herself about the head and other weird reactions on the night of her arrest, and her weird behaviour when Dr Mignini took her back to the house.
(4) Knox seemingly was heading to confess in November 2007 until her parents shut her up in prison; in her book she actually describes how her lawyers had to teach her to hate and lie and accuse others because they so much feared she would spill the beans.
(4) One of Sollecito’s lawyers, Maori, sarcastically accused Knox of cocaine use at trial, and Sollecito in his book clearly blames her 100% for his plight.
No wonder Knox’s team bent the courts - with mafia and official US help - three times.
One interesting analogy for me, was the recent trial of a young South Korean woman who went in search of someone to kill. She searched for people offering tuition, with the aim of a thrill kill. She made contact with one such tutor, dressed up as a schoolgirl, went to the tutor’s home, as arranged, and then brutally butchered her for no reason at all. (Life sentence.) There was also the teenage ‘Scream’ murder where two guys decided to enact the movie. I suspect Knox and Sollecito were similar ‘thrill killers’, a phenomenon peculiar to young adults. Sollecito had written on his FB page he wanted ‘extreme’ experiences. He seemed to be in rebellion against his father who threatened to put him into rehabilitation, and had in the past sent him off to a boarding school after the suicide of his mother after he had dumped her for another woman (the father, that is).
So Sollecito meets Knox and the pair of them are like a catalyst agent for the other: both looking for extreme experiences. Each facilitating the other. It’s Halloween. Sollecito has an Anime comic about slaying a 900-year-old vampire. Knox hates Meredith - she is popular, clever, beautiful, naturally academic, has lots of friends, a great social life: all of the things Knox perceived she was lacking. She remembered the strong feelings of rejection back at school in Seattle. She had come to Perugia to forget all of that. Knox found herself alone at Halloween, which for an American, hurt badly. She moans incessantly to Sollecito, badmouths Meredith in her jealousy and resentment at spending Halloween alone, walking the streets, looking for a friend. Sollecito gets angrier and angrier on Knox’ behalf. So, Sollecito has the perfect excuse to get his extreme experience, Knox gets her horrific jealous revenge on the girl who snubbed her the night before. They saw the vampire makeup still showing on her chin, the afternoon afterwards, having partied the night before until the early hours and had only just got up out of bed. And she’s off out again, without inviting Knox! Was there any greater pain for Knox than being rejected, yet again?
Knox met Guede in the Old Town whilst Meredith was out with friends (again!). Guede and Knox are in Plaza Grimana, night off for her from Le Chic bar, Sollecito joins them for a drug session. Poor Meredith arriving home is teased and hazed. An innocent and unwitting victim of three truly emotionally disturbed people, young adults looking for something, anything, to relieve their angst, in their immaturity and intolerance for boredom and friendlessness. Young adult thrill seekers. The satisfaction of giving vent to extreme anger and rage.
Guede, the perfect scapegoat to take all of the blame. Knox blaming Lumumba was no accident but a carefully crafted revelation to the police to point the investigators away from herself. Mignini said she performed an impressive display of crying and sobbing when she named Lumumba as the culprit and herself as a witness in the next room, listening to Meredith’s harrowing screams.
The to-ing and fro-ing with the cottage mop and the flooding in Sollecito’s flat that same night was ‘just a coincidence’. Of course it was.
So, two thrill seekers came together that night, together with a bored Guede hoping for a lay, leaving a slain English girl in the most horrific way behind a locked door for others to find. Two of them got away with it.
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