Monday, October 05, 2009

Seattle: The University Of Washington’s Surprisingly Pretty Main Campus

Posted by Peter Quennell

[click for larger image]

As we have been showing, this very sad tale is playing out in a number of beautiful locations.

We’ve had many photo spreads on Perugia and various other places in Italy, including where Sollecito came from, and spreads on Meredith’s exiting hometown of London and her spectacular university town of Leeds.

Now we turn to Seattle.

Amanda Knox came from West Seattle, a very large and surprisingly high plateau south-west of the downtown of Seattle, and she studied for two years at this university several miles north-east of the Seattle downtown.

The top shots here are the most significant from Knox’s perspective, for they are the libraries and lecture halls she would have frequented almost daily. The other shots show other departments and some of the attractive landscaping where she might have sat out with friends.

Why surprisingly pretty? Well, this is a publicly funded American university run by the State of Washington and the public universities, while often very good, can be mind-numbingly utilitarian.

This is not a private Ivy League institution like Harvard or Stanford or Princeton or Yale. But it sure looks like one of them.

As always, click for the larger images.


There’s an interesting comparison here between American and European universities. European universities are said to have more colorful old campuses, and American universities much more lively and supportive communities.

On the day these shots above were taken the U-W sororities were making pitches for women students to come and join them and live in their old mansions. On several of the streets by the university there were large numbers of women outside many of the sororities, seemingly all of them smiling and laughing at the nature of the pitches being made.

Women exceed men at most American universities and on average leave with better degrees, but sadly, their lifetime earning potential still remains rather lower.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 10/08/09 at 02:07 PM | #
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