Thursday, June 17, 2010

Decision On Who Will Be Amanda Knox’s Judge At Her Forthcoming Slander Trial

Posted by Peter Quennell

Above and below: Amanda Knox entering the court area less than an hour ago. The decision is due momentarily.

Our previous post on the slander trial was here.  The Appeals Court should be announcing the decision on which judge right about now>

Added: ANSA and other Italian news services are reporting that Knox made one of the spontaneous statements the Italian law allows her, and that the decision on a judge will take another five days. 

“I just wanted to defend myself”. So said Amanda Knox, back in court once more, this time for defamation. “I’m sorry that the matter has reached this point,’ said Amanda before the Court of Appeals in Perugia

The court will within another five days decide on the request of her defense team to replace the preliminary hearings judge, Claudia Matteini, for the trial of the Seattle student who is accused of slander against various police officers.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/17/10 at 06:17 PM in The officially involvedThe judiciaryAmanda Knox


my my we’ve smartened up our “look” it would seem.

Posted by mojo on 06/17/10 at 07:13 PM | #

Yes she has - I’ld heard she had put on a lot of weight but I guess thats not true.

Posted by John on 06/17/10 at 07:22 PM | #

She seems to have wised up and is presenting a more appropriately sober demeanor.

Posted by Earthling on 06/17/10 at 08:40 PM | #

Yes, so it seems. My opinion: too little, too late.

Posted by Nell on 06/18/10 at 02:32 AM | #

Only her hairdresser knows for sure…but which haircolor came out of a bottle: the sombre brunette tone she is now sporting, or the shimmering blonde which seemingly caused so many men to swoon? Or is it a wig concealing her anxiety-induced alopeocia?

As to the weight gain, I see it in the face and hips. She could instantly shed 1000 pounds of metaphysical weight, of course, if she would only up and confess.

Posted by mimi on 06/18/10 at 07:02 AM | #
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